Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Atlanta Assholes

So, last night I caught another episode of the housewives (cough) and it's clear Kim has ditched Nene for Sherry because she thinks Sherry has better social connections. Kiss my ass, Kim, I don't like you anymore. I don't envy these bitches one dime. They have to do too much crap to stay rich. My friends know I'd rather stay home and bitch on the net then go network over cocktails with cocksuckers. Now, these two main whores claim they have talent. Kim is a country singer and Sherry is a fashion designer. Bitch, please! They all think they're Kimora Lee and Faith Hill when it's become clear, they're just brain dead prostitutes who married over paid sports douches and took them for every penny. When Kim said she was 28, I almost sucked a SweetTart down my windpipe. That twat is at least 50. There must be a challenge on the Food Network at the same time. I'd rather watch someone build a castle out of ear wax and Rice Krispies.


Anonymous said...

They should have Catherine Zeta Jones as a guest on the show. She is mathematically challenged as well when it comes o her real age. Bitch has been 35 for 10 years. when she smiles I want to count the rings on her teeth as if I was aging wild sheep.

Anonymous said...

Never seen this show. I can't bear to watch people have all that money when we (most people) are struggling to just not starve and to stay warm.
And why can't a woman just own it when she's not a young girl anymore? Big deal!

Anonymous said...

Talk about some superficial people, this is one sad commentary on what is being passed off as entertainment. Self indulgent, overly made-up and self-aggrandizing women who, if not for who they married or who they are "doing" (Kim) couldn't afford the extensions in their hair. I won't watch this one again.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of trouble to watch and get into.
...also, with the Kim ditchin' Ne-Ne for Sheree binness, it rather sounds L Word-ish.
...but, I take it to be social rather than sexual.
...and, as a 19 year-old, it's rather over my head.

Dirty Disher said...

19????? Holy cow.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Tarts eh? You sneaking some of Lissa's candy there DD? I want some Sweet Tarts! You also made me want jelly beans now with that candy post the other day! Black ones! Yummy!!

Anonymous said...

jerry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are 19? I don't believe that! If you are 19, then I'm...25!!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I finally caught the birthday party episode and I will never watch again, I can't, too painful!

Big Poppa = nobody! Kim doesn't have a man, she's the type that if she did and he was hot shit she'd throw it in everyones face, she couldn't resist.

29? embarrassing.....oh, and that hair, she's not even TRYING to fool anybody. My eyes!