Saturday, October 18, 2008

Because it's cute..

And because it's October, and because it's not trying to sell me athletic knee socks as fashion, like Holly Madisn and Katie Price, and it's not trying to end world hunger by stuffing it's face with tacos like Heidi-Ho and SpenceWad, and it doesn't give a fat fuck what jeans Katie Holmes has on.


Anonymous said...

I thot it wuz today's ghost.
BTW, after scouring some old email folders, I finally found the Barbers Bookstore paranormal investigation post:
The main story is the second one down.
When I was a teenager, I went in there.
Broad daylight, full of people, stairway fully accessible.
At the time, I was spooked-out, anyway, and didn't know why.

Jess said...

Wow what a kickass toad!

Anonymous said...

Great post. The toad kind of reminds me of my ex but it is still cute.

Anonymous said...

Holy hell, thanks for finding my number 1 phobia there!

Seriously, everyone & their friggin Grandma has teased the hell out of me for being terrified of toads/frogs. Disgusting critters. Reptiles, amphibians freak me the f@ck out!

to me, If it doesn't have fur, it's not a cute animal.
Now i have the heebie jeebies.

Anonymous said...

Wll, I've had the heebie jeebies, and I can tell ya' they ain't no fun.

Anonymous said...

I love it!!!!!!
Thanks DD

with3love said...

It is cute lol :)

with3love said...

It is cute lol :)

with3love said...

It is cute lol :)

Anonymous said...

ginger09-- You're not alone, if it makes you feel any better. My mom has always been terrified by frogs. In fact, I still have to walk ahead of her in grassy areas for fear she will run into one. One time, I stepped on one right in front of her; it peed on my foot(of course, I was wearing sandals-nice) and hopped away. She didn't leave concrete for WEEKS.

Anonymous said...

And yes, I know you're not black. Just delusional.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a cute little bugger :)


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is cute in sort of a hidious, evil sort of way. It has great horns.

Anonymous said...

Dis is my punkin.