She looks like she's ticked off that he caught her eating something. Now the Brangeloonies will stop praying for her anorexia. If you think this woman is normal, you have to read THIS story.
I think they are so hypocritical. Can anyone answer me why they take pictures of their kids and sell to a magazine?? And last week they said that they were fed up wiht the paparazzi all over their kids!!!
THATS why they had the ghetto plastic barriers installed above the walls in Berlin. It's a new kind of Berlin Wall, so to speak. It's to keep the paps out! They only want them in when THEY can make the buck!
It must just be fun for Brad to take family pictures like any one of the rest of us. Difference is that he's selling them, which is weird to me because they don't need the money and say they don't want the publicity.
I liked the first photograph and think he just likes taking picutres of his family as we all do. I don't view it as a publicity stunt, i look at it as a (pointless) attempt to control the pap situation, thinking that if they provide pictures, images they control,the kind no one else would be able to get that maybe it would lessen the constant hounding & hunger the public has for them.
I supposed clear & rational thought makes me a brangaloonie or whatever it is now. So stupid.
You know, in that second picture, it probably isn't really even her hands holding the food. Probably someone else trying to force a burger on her as she turns to the camera and screams "Nnnooooooooooo. . ."
I forget about the characters themselves and focus on the photos, I'm a hobbyist photographer myself....I really like the first picture. Posed or not, it's a nice composition. The second one is just a fun candid shot to me....
i was watching a news item here where the game shooting associations in america are recruiting little girls to take up game shooting. they have designed pink camo outfits for the little darlings and a few girls even like guns with pink handles. but most of the little shooting girls prefer to look dangerous with black gun handles. i guess its palin fevor over there. how screwed up!!
I love these pictures, sorry to go against the flow...but I think she's pretty in a weird way and her lifestyle is fascinating. That's why everyone focuses on her weather it be good or bad. You know, its like she's a living barbie doll or something crazy. As far as her being a loon, everyone does crazy things but no one keeps a book detailing our confessions, mistakes, evil doings etc. I've done some of the craziest shit in my life, and yet no one knows about it on my street or even in my city.
I think they are so hypocritical. Can anyone answer me why they take pictures of their kids and sell to a magazine?? And last week they said that they were fed up wiht the paparazzi all over their kids!!!
Kali B.
THATS why they had the ghetto plastic barriers installed above the walls in Berlin. It's a new kind of Berlin Wall, so to speak. It's to keep the paps out! They only want them in when THEY can make the buck!
I don't think these pictures of her are anything to brag about. Brad should keep them to himself.
I think he was a little heavy with his blur tool on that burger one
It must just be fun for Brad to take family pictures like any one of the rest of us. Difference is that he's selling them, which is weird to me because they don't need the money and say they don't want the publicity.
I liked the first photograph and think he just likes taking picutres of his family as we all do. I don't view it as a publicity stunt, i look at it as a (pointless) attempt to control the pap situation, thinking that if they provide pictures, images they control,the kind no one else would be able to get that maybe it would lessen the constant hounding & hunger the public has for them.
I supposed clear & rational thought makes me a brangaloonie or whatever it is now. So stupid.
Theres various settings on a (good)camera for taking close up shots like this that automaticly blur out the background.
You know, in that second picture, it probably isn't really even her hands holding the food. Probably someone else trying to force a burger on her as she turns to the camera and screams "Nnnooooooooooo. . ."
I forget about the characters themselves and focus on the photos, I'm a hobbyist photographer myself....I really like the first picture. Posed or not, it's a nice composition. The second one is just a fun candid shot to me....
I didn't have to read the first story, never thought she was "normal"
i was watching a news item here where the game shooting associations in america are recruiting little girls to take up game shooting. they have designed pink camo outfits for the little darlings and a few girls even like guns with pink handles. but most of the little shooting girls prefer to look dangerous with black gun handles. i guess its palin fevor over there. how screwed up!!
I love these pictures, sorry to go against the flow...but I think she's pretty in a weird way and her lifestyle is fascinating. That's why everyone focuses on her weather it be good or bad. You know, its like she's a living barbie doll or something crazy. As far as her being a loon, everyone does crazy things but no one keeps a book detailing our confessions, mistakes, evil doings etc. I've done some of the craziest shit in my life, and yet no one knows about it on my street or even in my city.
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