Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ever wonder why some adults are so ignorant?

They start out as brainwashed children.


with3love said...

Yuck...the houses on my street are infected with those signs, and a few upside down flags. People are pissed, really ignorant.

Anonymous said...

You'd think they'd use caucasian kids to appeal to the bigot vote.

Anonymous said...

^...that was me.
(My notebook seems to be taking matters into its own hands, this morning.)

Anonymous said...

How can those little kids even understand what they are doing? Thats just wrong. Regardless of your beliefs. You don't drag you children into the mess. So, if those kids get any shit for being asian, then that WILL be wrong? But if they grow up & are gay, and they catch hell for that, then THATS OK? These people need to get their priorities straight! You can't teach your kids to dislike others that are different. & THEY are different already. Somebody is an idiot! PS: I thot this was some of those 8+ Kate kids!!! LOL! it????

Anonymous said...

I believe the children are our future...

Anonymous said...

Those parents ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Anonymous said...

This is almost child abuse to me.....

Anonymous said...

The boy looks just like Aaden Gosselin.

Anonymous said...

What about the children for Obama song? What about the grade school teacher that took her class to her wedding? what about the "Bush is an idiot" little girl that made the you tube song? all those kids were brain washed too. Love is love and if you prefer same sex then so be it, but why make such a big deal? Don't you get the same benefits from a civil union? I admit to not being well informed about this.

Pussy loving MAN

Anonymous said...

UGH! Parents should leave kids out of this. Too soon it will be the kids' turn to deal with this whacked-out world. Shame on these parents. That's what we need more in this world, right, more bigotry.

Angi said...

I hate when parents use their kids for stuff like this. Whatever you believe, child are not old enough to fully understand what is going on. I would never push my beliefs like that on my kids. Once they an adult I hope I have raised them right to respect everyone, even those they don't agree with.


Anonymous said...

I used to love kids ( seriously ) bt now they have just become accesories for their narcissistic parents.

and btw. not all of us christians are whacked out like this, I personally believe and agree with Ellen that we will look back at this kind of hate and feel " shame " for being so disciminating.

Gays & lesbians are the biggest victims of hate crimes & discimination these days :( and gay marriage? like that is America's biggest problem these days. oy!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to see this post and all the support. My sister is a lesbian and the town in CA I am living in has been having so many yes on 8 rallys you can't drive to the store without seeing one. They make me so mad. I too am a christian and I know that my God would not care if you are gay. It doesn't make sense or follow what He is about. Anyway it's so good to see sane rational people's comments.

Anonymous said...

8:01, I think if you find LOVE in this world, then that is such a blessing~

We are all created differently and Hate is not of God.

with3love said...

I knew homophobes didn't read dds blog, thank goodness!

Anonymous said...

Pussy loving man, without the legal right to marriage, same sex couples, no matter how long they live together or even if they adopt children, don't have the same rights as any other couple to things like adding their partner to their health insurance, dental, life, home and even car insurances. If one is critically injured and in hospital they can be denied seeing them by family members and hospital staff, even if they are dying. And in the event of a death, even with a will, family can and often do, challenge it, simply because same sex relationships aren't widely accepted and recognized. So i'm sure you can see that without the full use & meaning of the term marriage, they don't have the same legal, civil rights & liberities as hetero married couples do, either do their children by the way.

As much as the religious community has made it out to be soley a moral issue it isn't. It's a human rights issue first and foremost. No one has to agree or support the act of a same sex relationship if it goes against their moral grain, but they do need to be supporting the individuals as humanbeings and demanding the same civil liberities, protections & securities everyone else is granted or has access to.

If suddenly a couple who had 3 children were told their relationship wasn't a valid one so no longer were the children and "spouse" going to be covered on any of the health insurances, & one spouse no longer had a say in the upbringing of those children because they were no longer recognized as a legal spouse, all hell would break loose and you know it.

Anonymous said...

Very well dealt with by If These Walls Could Talk 2; having Vanessa Redgrave losing her home to her partner's children.