It's ovbious they were on a break during the photo shoot. Lop eyed ho says "Man, with these lights my hooch really starts to sweat" Photographer replies, well, you just keep your head tilted so I don't have to Phototshop your eye that is drooping faster then my granny's titty and I will get you something for that damp area". Photographer runs to fridge and can only find a jug of cold OJ. Cyclops put's it beween her legs and says with a loud sigh "oh, that helps" - and it does not even need batterys.
I hated that she ruined three seasons of Charmed. You know she was a bitch when a show that can bring back people from the dead won't bring her back for the final episode.
The only girl I would let tie me up.
what the fuck is up with that picture???? is this is a sublimal message she wants OJ as a bf?
It's ovbious they were on a break during the photo shoot. Lop eyed ho says "Man, with these lights my hooch really starts to sweat" Photographer replies, well, you just keep your head tilted so I don't have to Phototshop your eye that is drooping faster then my granny's titty and I will get you something for that damp area". Photographer runs to fridge and can only find a jug of cold OJ. Cyclops put's it beween her legs and says with a loud sigh "oh, that helps" - and it does not even need batterys.
Her body looks great.'s cuz thats where she keeps her spare glass eye, duh!
anon @ 12:05-
That was good... thanks for the giggle.
I love to "Hate Brenda".
I hated that she ruined three seasons of Charmed. You know she was a bitch when a show that can bring back people from the dead won't bring her back for the final episode.
That pose it so not sexy...
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