Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween art by Janis Joplin

Janis Joplin left many things behind for us to enjoy. I think her art is as original and whimsical as she was. Lovable darkness.


Anonymous said...

Sweet, DD, where'd you get these? I never knew of these drawings before, and they're VERY well done. Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

I guess y' learn sump'n every day!

Anonymous said...

She seems to have some formal art education. Or was very gifted! Thanks DD. I love this! Janis was talented in other ways, we never knew!

Dirty Disher said...

Janis majored in art in high school, she wasn't much interested in anything else.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame her.
Driven inward.
Voted ugliest man in her High School.
I s'poze she died happy, tho.' probably major happy t' be th' f#@k outta Texxuz!

Anonymous said...

i wonder why the rock hall doesn't have any of these?? or if they do, why they aren't displayed....

miss tia

Unknown said...

wOW those are beautiful!!!! They're cute jolly drawings!!! I feel so happy just by looking at them, I guess making art made her truly happy!!!!

imposter syndrome said...

Those are terrific drawings, but they are not original. They are based (very very closely) on the artwork tha W. W. Denslow did for the original Wizard of Oz book series, by Frank L. Baum.

The first one is... the Scarecrow, clearly. The second is Jack Pumpkinhead, whose wodden body and pumpkin head are brought to life in the book _The Marvelous Land of Oz_.

It's awesome that Joplin was a fan of these wonderful books.