Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Haunted History Of Halloween 1/5

I watched all 5 parts, I thought it was done well with good images.


Anonymous said...

Scary season is here. I was watching a you tube video and at around 1:25, a group of orbs fly around the room. What is that?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The orbs fly around through the entire tape.

Dirty Disher said...

Speculation is that orbs are a collection of energy. Paranormal..or dust. There are orb rules to be a true paranormal occurance. Flight path, light, etc. All I know, is I've seen orbs with my naked eye and they are something to behold.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting, DD; this was great cold therapy (been down with this effin' virus all week!)! Happy Halloween to everybuggy!!
