After years of listening to Will and Jada's innuendos about their potentially swingin' lifestyle and rumors of bisexual...stuff...a Hollywood madame had let some things slip about Will Smith..“I had to reassure him over and over that I could guarantee discretion,” she said. “Once I convinced him I could, he placed his order. It was for a man. I had 14 women working for me and two guys. You’d be surprised at how many Hollywood stars requested the services of the guys.”
Yeah, that's shocking. Next thing you know she'll be telling us that politicians are dishonest, Scientology is all about money and Tom Cruise wears lifts.
Not shocking. In the early eighties I lived in New York and promoted clubs and hip scenes for my Russian ex-pats moving to the US and cash heavy from the new economic boom in the former USSR. Once these younger mega rich men got going on Vodka and egomania; more than once I got asked about a male companion. How many Hollywood celebrities get caught picking up trannies and manly women?. Timberland and A. Rod come to mind right away. Eddie Murphy, Liz Hurley's ex, etc.
guarenteeing discretion and then spilling the beans??? bad form bad form....
That's what Will's boy toy said when he asked him to get on all fours and bray like a donkey.
Not shocking. They have a very open sex life/marriage. I'm sure they both have experiemented with same sex relationships. Who would be shocked if Jada had been having sex with a woman? Not me! Maybe Will just wanted to try it for himself. Jada probably watched! They are a couple of FREAKS!
I am shocked! Then again I was shocked when they started palling around with sinos, so that shows what I know about anything.
Well, if you can't trust a Madame who swears anonymity to her clients and then blabs about them later, who can you trust?
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