I had one of those hairstyles (not quite as extreme, but close) a few years ago, and you just get used to it. You can actually see. LOL--the conservative nitwit at my workplace kept following me around offering me a barrette to "get the hair out of your eyes".
Me, too, I'd be the nitwit constantly pushing back your bangs and offering you barrettes. Note that Katie Irene Gosselin now has one side of her hair almost completely covering one eye and one side of her face. I think that is to cover her guilt, not for style as I'm sure Kelly's is.
ugh, when did she get all skinny? I wanna be that skinny. now I'm all jealous =P and her dad is awesome! and I sound like a stupid moronic twat right now. I'mma shut up.
Ummm how could anyone say ozzy looks cute? He looks like he has a brain injury! He always walks like something is pushing him down...along with that silly smile...he just looks....old.
I had one of those hairstyles (not quite as extreme, but close) a few years ago, and you just get used to it. You can actually see.
LOL--the conservative nitwit at my workplace kept following me around offering me a barrette to "get the hair out of your eyes".
I'd be the nitwit. It drives me nuts.
Me, too, I'd be the nitwit constantly pushing back your bangs and offering you barrettes. Note that Katie Irene Gosselin now has one side of her hair almost completely covering one eye and one side of her face. I think that is to cover her guilt, not for style as I'm sure Kelly's is.
May I offer you a barrette, crabbie? Love birds on a stick..uh hu. It's so you.
Lol @ DD
She looks good. Great weight for her. I'm diggin the 80's hairstyle. I think this is one of her better looks.
Rhianna style! It's cool & young. I like it on her & her new slim bod. She's so cute now!
Is Ozzy cute as hell or what? He is damn cute. And he's not young by any means. He's a handsome guy. Great smile too.
ugh, when did she get all skinny? I wanna be that skinny. now I'm all jealous =P and her dad is awesome! and I sound like a stupid moronic twat right now. I'mma shut up.
Her figure is gorgeous these days! Natural? Body suit? Starvation? Very nice however she's managing it ;)
Ummm how could anyone say ozzy looks cute? He looks like he has a brain injury! He always walks like something is pushing him down...along with that silly smile...he just looks....old.
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