Friday, October 17, 2008

It's all the horses fault

The Sun...“If you can pinpoint an exact event or incident which spelled the death knell for them as a couple, Madonna’s horse-riding accident was it. Every other row the couple had following that boiled down to what happened that summer.” The family friend said: “Madonna was in a huge amount of pain and expected Guy to drop everything to be at her bedside.

“In her mind that is what every husband should do to support his wife when she has been through a traumatic, possibly life-threatening, experience.
Bitch, please, I remember that..that was when she decided she was British and that proper English women rode horses. The horse begged to disagree and dumped her on her bony ass. Life threatening? WTF, is she Christopher Reeve now? That was also when she started with the high class English accent, no Liverpool for her ladyship. Gawd. She's gotten even with Guy now by dedicating songs to the "emotionally retarded" and hiring Sir Paul's divorce lawyer. Like Guy Richie is some one legged panhandling gold digger. I looked him up, he's worth 35-50 million (his money, not hers), owns his own mansion separate from their property and a pub and...the list goes on. He thinks Kabbalah is a load of silly nonsense, he doesn't want 12 more illegally adopted African orphans or some crazy gym addict telling him what color to pee every morning. Madonna needs to go have tea and crumpets with A-Rod, I'm over this and I'm damn sure Guy Ritchie is too.


Anonymous said...

Who's Christopher Reed?

Dirty Disher said...

Ass. He's that dude that found the gates of Heaven were at the top of a steep set of stairs.

Anonymous said...

If she wanted the media to 'respect them at this difficult time' she wouldn't egg them on by slagging him off during her shows; she wants the attention now.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, goddamnit I spelled it wrong, crabbie you smart ass mofo. I'm fixing it and people will think YOU'RE nuts.

Dirty Disher said...

Uhhh, goddamnit is a word. Proper usage..goddamnit in you kids haid, Mrs. Spears. See?

Anonymous said...

Weird how Christopher Reeves wife died about a year after he did, of lung cancer. Yet she never smoked? Got it from singing in nightclubs. Their son was an orphan in a years time and he was pretty young. That was the strangest thing. Tragic.
I think Madonna married Guy to try to get some class in her life. To "reinvent" herself again. I truly think she just used him to get some respect. I hope he gets 1/2! She's been sucking A-Rods d*** for a long time. She's his "soul mate man"...*gag me*

Anonymous said...

she's a low-life, white trash, high school drop out that got a lucky break. If she was to try to break into show biz now, I think she'd find a harder time of it than she did 30 yrs ago!

Anonymous said...

She damned sure couldn't use the same song.

Anonymous said...

Guy can do sooooo much better. He will feel a tremendous load of bones off him when he's dumped the hag for good. Big surprise, Madonna wants attention.

No, she wasn't a HS drop out. She went to U of MI (my school), but never graduated. I think she was a dance major.

Anonymous said...

she dropped out of high school. Google it!

Anonymous said...

She never finished school, she's totally uneducated and ignorant. I've never been a fan or even slightly liked her music, she got famous for pressing buttons and purposeful shock antics.

She's a middle aged woman who will be going around making an ass of herself trying to recapture what it was like dating when she was 21 and claiming some attention seeking 23 yr old is her soul mate.

It will be a bloggers dream and completly humilating to watch.

Anonymous said...

If she dropped out of HS she somehow managed to get into the U of MI. I have seen photos of her there in the dance department. So don't know what the google info is. She dropped out of the U, I do know she didn't graduate.

Anonymous said...

All higher education facilities can accept people into programs if they were high school drop outs and have been out of school X number of years (that varies from school to school) with the understanding they are on academic probation & must maintain a predetermined g.p.a.

Anonymous said...

Who the F--- cares? She's a bitch. Iggy pop with a vagina.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I love Iggy! He stage-dived on me once and sang to me (awesome!), but I cannot confirm the presence or absence of a vagina on him...although it was apparent that he had a penis, or something that made a penis shape in his pants. Maybe he was wearing cucumber pants.