Sunday, October 19, 2008

Jebbica's new addition

OMG! Look at the face! Awwww, man, is that ever a cute puppy. He's been nicknamed Fingerprint Head until his mommy figures out a better name...any ideas?


Anonymous said...

That looks more like an addiction than an addition. How about Addie? or Addle.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've got an idea- How about taking it back to the breeder and going to a rescue center if you're so desperate for another dog? Dumbass.

Dirty Disher said...

Boy, you sure are assuming a lot.

Dirty Disher said...

Thought some more..I understand the need to support rescue centers, but, can't someone get a dog they've dreamed of? I've never in my whole life had a dog I picked out. NOT ONCE. Someday I might and I won't feel guilty either. Bad breeders should be stopped, but breeds should not go extinct.

Anonymous said...

You're a dumbass too.

Anonymous said...

There are so many bad breeders that knowingly breed dogs that have inherited terrible conditions. Then they sell them to people who think they are getting the puppy they have always wanted.This happened to my son. He thought he was getting the dog he always wanted and he did get a wonderful puppy who grew up to have a horrible skin condition. The breeders had to have known this. One of the parents had to have had it. Bad breeders should be boiled in oil!!!!

Anonymous said...

Any dog could have a skin condition whether or not it is purebred.You could have gotten it from a rescue center and if it has the genetics for skin problems (and any other problems) it's going to get them no matter where you get it from.

Anonymous said...

That dog looks like Peter Lorre.
If it's a boy: Peter.
If it's a girl: Lori

...or, Ulysses David/Ulyssia Davida.

Anonymous said...

what's wrong with fingerprint head?? i like that name and it does look like there's a fingerprint on their head!

Jess said...

Actually, he didn't come from a breeder. He came from a really nice family whose mommy dog had puppies. These were the only dogs they had and they couldn't feed them all, so that's how I got him! Their kid loved those pups so much though I'm going to have to bring him back to visit her. If you want to rag on someone, help me shut down this puppy mill I found, where hundreds of dogs are kept in chicken cages on top of each other, but don't rag on one little family with one little litter of puppies!

Jess said...

Also, I'm just curious, but are we supposed to just tell all the purebred puppies of the world to go f*ck themselves? I think all dogs should get loving homes, be it rescue puppy or anything else. I wish I could adopt every dog ever, but apparently my limit is going to have to be two. I understand why dogs should get fixed so we can control the population and not have to put any down, but the ones that are here are here and need love too! I had a rescue puppy once, chewed up everything I owned and then peed on it. But I loved her, and it broke my heart when someone gave her away without my permission. So for my birthday last year, that person brought me Leo to make up for it. I had never had a dog before that other one and had no idea about registered dogs or anything. But Leo is the perfect dog for me, even though I didn't think I wanted another dog at the time...he doesn't shed, potties where he is supposed to, gives lots of love, lets me spoil him, etc. And Nathan had a Boston Terrier as a child that was given away without his permission by the SAME person who did it to me, and so he really wanted another one because he loved that one so much. So anyway, those are our two puppies, and I love them. We have had a rough few months with rescue puppies...we keep taking in sick puppies to try to get them better, but only a few of them actually have, and most of them haven't made it. It's been really terrible. But anyway, we love all animals and these are just the ones that are our children. Take it or leave it.

Anonymous said...

The dog my son got was from a "family" breeder. The point I was trying to make is that some breeders are in it for the money, no matter how big the outfit. A bad breeder is a BAD BREEDER! So called "kennel breeders" are usually places with horrible condition!
As a child, we had Boston Bulls and we did breed the female a couple of times and we did see that they went to good homes.
There's good and bad in all situations! When you find a bad situation, make sure to report it!
Whether it is a home or a kennel!!!!

with3love said...

Haha looks like Mz anonymous is the DUMBASS after all, yeah keep back peddling DUMBASS! No such thing as a "family" breeder! Go to fucking hell you mean bitch!

Anonymous said...

O.K. Stealthysoul! What would you call a family that has a "mommy" dog and let's it get knockedup by the "daddy" dog and then either sells or gives the puppies away? It sure is not a puupy "mill"! So what would YOU call it?
I used the word "family" meaning that it was not suppose to be a "business". Please enlighten me as to what you would call it!

Anonymous said...

Call him 'player' or 'boy' - if it's a male. He's got the figure of a woman on his face. You know the hour glass. Playboy, it just happened with nature.

Anonymous said...

To use an old "Nixon" name. how about CHECKERS! You know, black and white--like the CHECKER'S CABS.

Anonymous said...

Ummm (stepping tentatively through the frackas) 'bout Moses? He looks like a Moses to me.

Dirty Disher said...

I want a Fingerprint Head. I think he's the cutest thing I've seen in a hunerd years.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, and I liked the name attached to one of the photos..Guilty!

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful baby!! He looks like my Harley. :) They are full of energy and are wonderful!! Get ready for the BT500. It's coming!


Anonymous said...

Awww such a cutie pie! How about Nips. I don't know where that came from, but I took one look at his little ears and thought of it LOL

Anonymous said...

He is damn cute! How about Rumplestiltskin. (just like that name, love the story. Ya I know Rumplestiltskin was a troll, but still)

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwwwwww Look at that face..

It was good of you to give such a cutie a home.

You mentioned that the people who had him couldn't take care of all the doggies they had, so taking him could have saved him from a "shelter". You did a good thing and don't let anyone tell you different. He could have ended up in a home where the people didn't care for him, but now he will be loved. :)

Enjoy him..he's such a cutie pie


Anonymous said...

How about Spike? LOL. Remember the mean gremlin (not that this cutie could ever be mean!) on the Gremlins. This cute little pup has a black stripe down the middle....HEY!!! How about Peppie le Pew?!!? LOL. (for his cute little skunk stripe?!) The possibilities are endless!! Have fun! Much love!

Anonymous said...

Purebred puppies shouldn't fuck themselves, and if they try, tell them "no!" Meanwhile, that little bun-bun is such a noodle I think my puppy-loving head may explode. Good thing I have three big long-eared noodles of my own to smoosh around. Explosion averted.

Anonymous said...

It's a little Boston Terrier (and a damn cute one, too, and if Jebbica purchased the pup, rather than rescuing it, that's her business and the rest of you need to have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up).

Anyway, since it's a "Boston", how about Beans or Beannie??

Anonymous said...

It's a little Boston Terrier (and a damn cute one, too, and if Jebbica purchased the pup, rather than rescuing it, that's her business and the rest of you need to have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up).

Anyway, since it's a "Boston", how about Beans or Beannie??

Anonymous said...

It's a little Boston Terrier (and a damn cute one, too, and if Jebbica purchased the pup, rather than rescuing it, that's her business and the rest of you need to have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up).

Anyway, since it's a "Boston", how about Beans or Beannie??

Anonymous said...

i would kinda looks like the dog is wearing cute!!!!!!