Jolie in an interview with The NY Times said she'd want her children to watch Mr. And Mrs. Smith..Jolie: "Not a lot of people get to see a movie where their parents fell in love." * Wait, what? That's what happens when you talk too much, you forget what you said before. Btw, that's not a scene from Mr. And Mrs. Smith, that's just Christmas morning at the Jolie/Pitt house.
They've said it's where they fell in love, what they have tried to convince us all of is that they didn't act on it until after he seperated from his wife. Ya right!
people need to learn when they need to just be quiet.
BTW- these celebs that whine and cry about the invasion of privacy that they feel, but then go around and say things that the public probably never even wanted to know, bugs me.
Next week! brangelina will be bitching about the media & the paparazzi getting into their business and following them & their kid collection around. Then Angelina will tell the world another intimate detail of her sleezy life or her dad will.
They've said it's where they fell in love, what they have tried to convince us all of is that they didn't act on it until after he seperated from his wife. Ya right!
I think he makes a better match with Angie than with Jen. I like Jen too much. Yeah, they waited...right.
people need to learn when they need to just be quiet.
BTW- these celebs that whine and cry about the invasion of privacy that they feel, but then go around and say things that the public probably never even wanted to know, bugs me.
I told you all that she is a pathological liar. A stupid one too. LOL!
YES! I know she has Narcissistic personality disorder too. God bless those poor kids.
One more point goes to J.A for class & integrity BUT! since J.A insists on dating losers like Jon Mayer, I'm taking that point away. lol!
Lol @ points
Next week! brangelina will be bitching about the media & the paparazzi getting into their business and following them & their kid collection around. Then Angelina will tell the world another intimate detail of her sleezy life or her dad will.
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