Heather Locklear might have been set up by some stalker chick. The woman who called 911 to report Locklear's erratic driving is a Us Weekly staffer who was under investigation by the FBI for hacking into comp files to find celebrities. Jill Ishkanian, that's the bitch's name, called the paps BEFORE she dialed 911 on Heather, AND she followed Heather to various locations. So, basically no one knows wtf went on the other night when Locklear was arrested. Paps swear the star had not even turned the key when the cops showed up. We know she wasn't drunk. We know she was let go without bail. At this point the cops say they don't care who called or why. They think Heather should not assault designer sunglasses with her vehicle (as reported by Jill). Gawd.
A likely story.
u know this is soooo true. It's sounds so crazy, it's gotta be true! Now the mags are tipping off the paps, working together. Scratch your back...it makes sense. I like Heather tho. She is considered a good person with a good rep in Hollywood. Can somebody file charges? Like stalking charges? Hope so. This has to stop. You know Diana was killed just days ago (in 1997) so 11 yrs ago almost exactly. Her life & the paps all started this frenzy, it's never been the same since she got engaged to Charles. THATS when this insanity started big time.
She was just breaking those sunglasses up so they wouldn't take up so much space in the recycling bin.
jerry you are such a weird-o! I like it!!
anon @ 3:41-
Celebrities have drawn media attention since there have been... celebrities. Or media, for that matter.
While it's true that it's been far more OTT in recent years, it's part of the price stars pay for being stars. It goes with the territory.
And if you think celebs don't solicit attention from paparazzi themselves, you're being naive. Every celeb that receives the worst relentless pap attention (Britney is a classic example)has literally *informed* various members of the pap-pack of their whereabouts at various times throughout their time in the spotlight.
And yes, that goes for Princess Diana too. More than one have come forward (many before her untimely demise) to claim she deliberately alterted her press contacts to her whereabouts... often in an effort to divert attention away from Prince Charles when he had an important occasion.
I don't feel a bit sorry for paparazzi-weary celebs. The day paps follow, harass and provoke innocent citizens, you'll have a valid point.
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