A bunch of string pulling, what really did it is when someone on the left hand side near the floor threw something up towards the right...just really fake.
I was really hoping it was a real one, because I love those!
Has anyone ever seen that show on A& E called Paranormal State? I used to watch all the different similar "types " of shows out there, but this is the 1 i love. Psychic kids with Chip Coffey is the other. THEY ARE GREAT! Check them out if you haven't already, or look online . Here's the link:
My grandmother, mom, & I are all able to sense paranormal activity, and Good Lord...the stories i have... Up until 3 months ago we have quite a bit of scary things going on in our home. I found out after seeking certified mediums that i was allowing the activity by the researching i was doing. We became friends & they have taught me a LOT. When my 3 year old started seeing things & my hubby saw an apparition, They told me what to do & 99% of the activity ceased. I still feel something, but i believe it's the hubby's father, visiting. no prob. :)
...or... There is a possibility, judging by the way that the "invitation" was explained, that she thinks that the "cure" would not be particularly well-received, on this site.
Um...tough crowd? lol...jeeez! Honestly, i just figured i write a ton as it is, & if anyone was curious, they could ask. I hate to always be that 1 person who writes 500 paragraphs about a simple subject. When you've dealt with this sort of thing your whole life, you really dont fret too much on what other's think about it, or how well you're recieved, ya know? people think you're a freak or they think " hey, cool..."
But i guess i left some hanging, so here ya go:
When i was about 5 i started seeing my great Grandmother... the prob was that she died before i was born. So after telling my mom, she told me that i didn't really see anything, & not to mention it again. ( I learned years later that my mother has always dealt with this in her life too... still does, on we TALK about it now) So i surpressed this a lot growing up, even though it never stopped. I never told other kids because i never wanted to be the weirdo outsider freaky girl.. In high school & beyond A few friends knew & they thought it was awesome... But i did get a lot of dumb shit at parties where drunk ass people would ask me " Dude! So can you like, channel Kirk Cobain & like, ask him why he did it and shit!?" or "Call Captain Howdy!" So yeah- I have always felt my father in law's prescence. He died before we got together, so i never got to meet him. One day when we were dating, he ( hubby) was downstairs on the computer & i was upstairs napping. I woke up in the early afternoon & for a second or two, clear as day, i saw his father standing by our balcony door. He was in a blue-green jogging suit, sneakers, had a hunched over back ( like most old people) & was cupping something in his hand. I ran downstairs & told the hubby, who went white, & told me that his dad used to wake him up in the mornings, then go out on the balcony & smoke. He'd then bring his ciggarette butt in & flush it. My husband showed me the jogging suit he had still up in a guest closet. After that, through the years i have felt him multiple times, but no more visions. My kids have all seen him, & they would tell me (all around age 3) that "papa" visits them. I started going to a medium circle my sister reccomended, & they were encouraging me to strengthen whatever it is i have & see what else i could make of my " gift". At the same time , i also felt like a hypocrite because we were going to a christian church & they thought that shit was evil. I disagree & struggled with feeling guilty on top of what i always believed in my heart.. so i stopped going to church. around that time, we started hearing things all night long...voices, doors opening, tapping. I wrote it off as our cats for as long as i could. The more i watched shows on the paranormal, the more i'd freak myself out...So i'd convince myself the weird shit in my house at night was my mind.
He didn't believe that his dad visited him. We were in our bedroom watching " Crossing Over w/ John Edward" 1 night & discussing his dad at the same time. As My hubby was complaining that his dad never sent HIM any signs, a guy on the show was saying the same thing. John Edward was telling the guy " Your dad will knock over plants to get your attention" ..Now my hubby was on the bed, & i was across from him on my rocking chair with my back to the closet. At that moment, one of my purses from my side of the closet flew straight across the closet to the hubby's side, & slowly slid straight down to the floor. I Then told him, " what more proof do you need!!?" That was the good stuff..now the bad stuff- It started getting bad In March thru May of this year. my husband and i woke up to all our hall lights on. "ok"...we thought.."it's the kids". Then as we went back to sleep, our Tv went on and off twice. We both got up, checked out everything & unplugged it. OUR BLINDS MOVED! Whether you think i'm wasting time to make this up for entertainment or not.... We sat up in bed & watched our blinds cords twist around & hit the wall . No wind..no fan..no open window. Id watch doors blast open KNOWING i shut them until they clicked into place & no cats or kids could have opened them. All of out little things would turn up missing, then reappear in the oddest places. I'd see black spots move across our wall at night. Thats when i was like " Oh, Helll no. Thats when i started to look for people who could help make it stop. My 3 year old told me he was scared to go upstairs alone because the "foggy monster floated in his room & out the window". My hubby saw a white apparition of some sort ( like a gown floating) going down our stairs & into the wall. My cats would go apeshit nightly. ANYhoo... This was until July.. i talked to Gold Rush Ghosts, but they charged a huge fee just to show me proof of what i already knew. There is a place in Auburn Ca called the Spiritualist Chapel of the Pines, & they have an open medium group on fridays. i Went to that, asked what to do & they were so SO sincere, helpful & sweet. The people there are THEE best!
They told me to take complete authority over it & demand it leave my home. They said to burn sage in every corner, all over the home, sprinkle sea salts at every entrance & declare this house as my space & that the intrusion needed to stop, in the name of Christ, & that myself, my family & my home were washed clean by the blood of Christ. sounds really effing weird, i know. I felt like a complete nutcase at first, then i remembered how scared my baby was & i just felt this power.... Honestly i felt pretty stupid, because it seems like thats all it took for the scary shit to end. I still feel a prescence here & there, but i am no longer freaked out i can't sleep . I got hooked on sleeping pills, because i knew i couldn't sleep an entire night. it was truly an embarassing pain in the ass. No one wanted to visit us.it just sucked. now everything feels normal again & i'm happy. I f@cking hate drama, & to me, that was enough..The place i spoke of, i still go there & they have been absolutely incredible. So yeah... i wasn't bullshitting anyone. If anyone has a Myspace, Check mine out & see for yourself..just let me know. ( No freaky deakys)I'm a total goofball...i love sites like this because i love being sarcastic as all hell& making fun of everyone & everything... Hope i didn't freak anyone out:P Have a good day and all that stuff!
I'm glad they at least had the bible knowledge to kick down to a stranger, 'cause even though i claimed to be a Christian, i didn't read the Bible unless i was following whatever the pastor was covering. Plus if i had come to MY pastor with all this madness, he would have probably told me that i must live on a spaceship & regularly chat with Elvis too. He's not exactly the most open person, so thats why i went elsewhere for help.
A bunch of string pulling, what really did it is when someone on the left hand side near the floor threw something up towards the right...just really fake.
I was really hoping it was a real one, because I love those!
I'm gutless for this sort of thing, i am so not clicking this lol
Has anyone ever seen that show on A& E called Paranormal State? I used to watch all the different similar "types " of shows out there, but this is the 1 i love. Psychic kids with Chip Coffey is the other. THEY ARE GREAT! Check them out if you haven't already, or look online . Here's the link:
My grandmother, mom, & I are all able to sense paranormal activity, and Good Lord...the stories i have... Up until 3 months ago we have quite a bit of scary things going on in our home. I found out after seeking certified mediums that i was allowing the activity by the researching i was doing. We became friends & they have taught me a LOT.
When my 3 year old started seeing things & my hubby saw an apparition, They told me what to do & 99% of the activity ceased. I still feel something, but i believe it's the hubby's father, visiting. no prob. :)
Anon-October 12, 2008 9:11:00 PM GST
So what were the answers to making things better just in case I ever need the info ;)
I guess anon 9:11 hasn't thought-up that part yet.
I loves me a good yarn.
There is a possibility, judging by the way that the "invitation" was explained, that she thinks that the "cure" would not be particularly well-received, on this site.
Say anything ya want.
Um...tough crowd?
Honestly, i just figured i write a ton as it is, & if anyone was curious, they could ask. I hate to always be that 1 person who writes 500 paragraphs about a simple subject. When you've dealt with this sort of thing your whole life, you really dont fret too much on what other's think about it, or how well you're recieved, ya know? people think you're a freak or they think " hey, cool..."
But i guess i left some hanging, so here ya go:
When i was about 5 i started seeing my great Grandmother... the prob was that she died before i was born. So after telling my mom, she told me that i didn't really see anything, & not to mention it again. ( I learned years later that my mother has always dealt with this in her life too... still does, on we TALK about it now)
So i surpressed this a lot growing up, even though it never stopped.
I never told other kids because i never wanted to be the weirdo outsider freaky girl.. In high school & beyond A few friends knew & they thought it was awesome... But i did get a lot of dumb shit at parties where drunk ass people would ask me " Dude! So can you like, channel Kirk Cobain & like, ask him why he did it and shit!?" or "Call Captain Howdy!"
So yeah-
I have always felt my father in law's prescence. He died before we got together, so i never got to meet him. One day when we were dating, he ( hubby) was downstairs on the computer & i was upstairs napping. I woke up in the early afternoon & for a second or two, clear as day, i saw his father standing by our balcony door. He was in a blue-green jogging suit, sneakers, had a hunched over back ( like most old people) & was cupping something in his hand. I ran downstairs & told the hubby, who went white, & told me that his dad used to wake him up in the mornings, then go out on the balcony & smoke. He'd then bring his ciggarette butt in & flush it. My husband showed me the jogging suit he had still up in a guest closet. After that, through the years i have felt him multiple times, but no more visions. My kids have all seen him, & they would tell me (all around age 3) that "papa" visits them.
I started going to a medium circle my sister reccomended, & they were encouraging me to strengthen whatever it is i have & see what else i could make of my " gift".
At the same time , i also felt like a hypocrite because we were going to a christian church & they thought that shit was evil. I disagree & struggled with feeling guilty on top of what i always believed in my heart.. so i stopped going to church. around that time, we started hearing things all night long...voices, doors opening, tapping. I wrote it off as our cats for as long as i could. The more i watched shows on the paranormal, the more i'd freak myself out...So i'd convince myself the weird shit in my house at night was my mind.
He didn't believe that his dad visited him. We were in our bedroom watching " Crossing Over w/ John Edward" 1 night & discussing his dad at the same time. As My hubby was complaining that his dad never sent HIM any signs, a guy on the show was saying the same thing. John Edward was telling the guy " Your dad will knock over plants to get your attention" ..Now my hubby was on the bed, & i was across from him on my rocking chair with my back to the closet. At that moment, one of my purses from my side of the closet flew straight across the closet to the hubby's side, & slowly slid straight down to the floor. I Then told him, " what more proof do you need!!?"
That was the good stuff..now the bad stuff-
It started getting bad In March thru May of this year. my husband and i woke up to all our hall lights on. "ok"...we thought.."it's the kids". Then as we went back to sleep, our Tv went on and off twice. We both got up, checked out everything & unplugged it. OUR BLINDS MOVED! Whether you think i'm wasting time to make this up for entertainment or not.... We sat up in bed & watched our blinds cords twist around & hit the wall . No wind..no fan..no open window. Id watch doors blast open KNOWING i shut them until they clicked into place & no cats or kids could have opened them. All of out little things would turn up missing, then reappear in the oddest places. I'd see black spots move across our wall at night. Thats when i was like " Oh, Helll no.
Thats when i started to look for people who could help make it stop. My 3 year old told me he was scared to go upstairs alone because the "foggy monster floated in his room & out the window". My hubby saw a white apparition of some sort ( like a gown floating) going down our stairs & into the wall. My cats would go apeshit nightly.
This was until July.. i talked to Gold Rush Ghosts, but they charged a huge fee just to show me proof of what i already knew.
There is a place in Auburn Ca called the Spiritualist Chapel of the Pines, & they have an open medium group on fridays. i Went to that, asked what to do & they were so SO sincere, helpful & sweet. The people there are THEE best!
They told me to take complete authority over it & demand it leave my home. They said to burn sage in every corner, all over the home, sprinkle sea salts at every entrance & declare this house as my space & that the intrusion needed to stop, in the name of Christ, & that myself, my family & my home were washed clean by the blood of Christ. sounds really effing weird, i know. I felt like a complete nutcase at first, then i remembered how scared my baby was & i just felt this power....
Honestly i felt pretty stupid, because it seems like thats all it took for the scary shit to end.
I still feel a prescence here & there, but i am no longer freaked out i can't sleep . I got hooked on sleeping pills, because i knew i couldn't sleep an entire night. it was truly an embarassing pain in the ass. No one wanted to visit us.it just sucked. now everything feels normal again & i'm happy. I f@cking hate drama, & to me, that was enough..The place i spoke of, i still go there & they have been absolutely incredible.
So yeah... i wasn't bullshitting anyone.
If anyone has a Myspace, Check mine out & see for yourself..just let me know. ( No freaky deakys)I'm a total goofball...i love sites like this because i love being sarcastic as all hell& making fun of everyone & everything...
Hope i didn't freak anyone out:P
Have a good day and all that stuff!
In the 19th Chapter of the Book of Acts, this issue is addressed.
Hey...I'm just sayin', y'know?
Well, it worked!
I'm glad they at least had the bible knowledge to kick down to a stranger, 'cause even though i claimed to be a Christian, i didn't read the Bible unless i was following whatever the pastor was covering. Plus if i had come to MY pastor with all this madness, he would have probably told me that i must live on a spaceship & regularly chat with Elvis too. He's not exactly the most open person, so thats why i went elsewhere for help.
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