Thursday, October 16, 2008

Little Rocks, big expectations

Chris Rock to OK: "I don’t like my kids. My kids are rich – I wasn’t rich. I don't like them. They expect shit. My kids have been all over the world. I didn’t go anywhere until I was 35. I like the nanny's kids. They’re happy with a Tootsie Roll."


Anonymous said...

His shtick got old already. Go hit the pipe some more pookie.

Anonymous said...

Wow. At least he is honest?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he was, surprise surprise, kidding, wasn't he? His kids are sure cuties and so is his wife. I recently saw him on Charlie Rose and he was very articulate and seemingly a normal guy.

Anonymous said...

He tells it like it is, black or white. I at least respect him for that.

Anonymous said...

I get what he means. Snoop is like that too. It's like "dayum, you kids have it made and I brought it"! No respect for ever having to work and be poor. I am sure he's glad his kids aren't poor, but wishes they'd appreciate how dad got it. They will when they grow up, if he raises them right. I totally get it. I love it.
I miss Bernie Mac! :(

Roxanne said...

He JUST got rich in recent years. Being poor is still scary to him. It's too new. He isn't a rich guy inside. Ya' know? He's a poor kid.

Anonymous said...

he was poor before. Now he's rich & hates that his kids are rich but mentions they have a nanny. WTF?

Anonymous said...

Thats funny, right there!

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOL...that is hilarious! It has a certain ring of truthiness to it.

Anonymous said...

He should pay for them to go to excellent colleges, help them buy modest houses and end the gravy train. That'll teach ' to survive on their own and be normal-ish people.

Anonymous said...

His wife looks a lot like Solange Knowles