Everybody turned up for Madonna's Filth And Wisdom, which I'm picturing as Truth Or Dare with more wrinkles and less bottle deep throating. Lohan looks special ed there. Nice pic, Blow, yes, I'd like fries with that. Oh, Madge and The Blow are going to do a duet together, which I assume is different than just munching each others mangy mirkin. And..Madonna and Guy Richie are splitting for real, say the gossips. He's moving out of HER mansion into his own. No word on who get custody of her gun shoes and penis. Madonna needs to keep her bony fingers off Jason Lewis. And why didn't the paps get close ups of his face? They have 50,000 shots of Madge's washed up mug and SO OVER hair.
He's gorgeous. Lohan looks terrible here. Madonna is and always has been a total skank. Doesn't everyone know that? Her first cousin, Penny Rozak (married name), a good friend of mine from Michigan won't even talk about their connection. Maybe some people would relish it, but she thinks Madge is the black sheep of her family and needs to fade away. Penny is lovely and Madge is bones and wrinkles covering bones.
They are getting divorced, her PA just announced it which is nice for the child they just adopted to give it a 'steady' home. Bet she moves back to the US now.
Jason Lewis & Madonna now? Wow!!! What is he thinking? He's fab, she's old, (like me)!!! Dayum. Guy better get lots of money for cutting her loose!
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