Friday, October 31, 2008

Mariah and Nick do Halloween

They went as Coco and Ice-T, only with less brains.


Anonymous said...

Nick looks like he's 10 years old.

Mooriah scarey needs to accept that she is almost 40, less is more. Even if you think you have a 20 year old's body.

I give this marriage 2 years at the most.

Anonymous said...

oh hey DD, i emailed you a link the other day to the kent halloween pix from last saturday!! not as creative as usual, but still fun....they might have throngs dressing up again tonight so i'm going back just in case!

NOT dial up friendly!!!

miss tia

Anonymous said...

Miss Tia, I checked out the link and I loveeeee looking at peoples costumes-amazing!!!!!


Anonymous said...

If Mariah sucks it in anymore she is gonna 'splode!

Anonymous said...

She cannot be serious about this kid? Look at 'em. It's ridic! No way. They are done before New Years. Hey! Fun...any bets on this one?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to give it two years ( very generous ) but only because I think batshit,crazy Mooriah wants to be part of the celebrity baby ( accessory ) club. Nick of course playing K-fed.

Anonymous said...

Again, this looks like a mother with her son. Friggin' embarassment just like Mommy Hogan if you ask me. Doesn't she realize that it makes you look OLDER when you stand next to someone who could be your own kid?

Anonymous said...

I have no words.

Um, except for Ohhh, my God.

Anonymous said...

Jesus! If she wants to constantly expose herself, why doesn't she just do a playboy spread and be done with it.