Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Beggin' Strips..now with Salt Peter!

Woof! Down, boy! It tastes like beggin'! (Organic Beggin' Strips recommended by Jon Gosselin.)


Anonymous said...

You just won't quit will you.

Anonymous said...

Too funny!! You should do stand up comedy.

Anonymous said...

JL looks so foolish grabbing onto his pant leg like that. Really stupid her constant need to play up the stereotype that latino's are super passionate people beyond everyone else. Why doesn't she just give him a wedgie, would be a more intresting pic then their screwed up faux passion performance faces.

Unknown said...

Really stupid her constant need to play up the stereotype that latino's are super passionate people beyond everyone else

Ditto. They are not ALL that passionate. Some are douchebags who feel threatened in their manhood when a firey woman matches them in bed. Some of them are not even THAT good. I know, been there, done that. Many are super whipped. Seen that type all the time. Of course you will come across that one that blows you away and picks you up and haves you standing in the shower...tee hee!!!! yeah TMI I know but mmmmmmmm ah memories....feeling dirty now.