Tuesday, October 7, 2008

No.1 Gold Digger throws in the (stained) towel

Holly Madison to a TMZ "reporter" who wanted an invite to a mansion party..“I have no pull anymore. Hef and I aren’t together, I can’t invite people.”
But, the show will go on, according to Holly,“The three of us, we’re still filming stuff together.”
Holly's playin' a game to get the old man to marry her. Betcha. You'd think being in Hef's will would be enough if she really loves him like she claims. Play enough games with people and you'll lose when they get tired of playin'. 'Specially when you play with people who are smarter than you.


Anonymous said...

....and, he always seemed so wise, eh?

Dirty Disher said...

I think a dude who built a billion dollar business is smarter than a bleached blond who goes to work on roller skates sucking a lollypop. Yeah.

Anonymous said...

Is this true? Hef just said they are still together. She must really be with that magician now. They have 1 more season of GND and then thats it. He gave them the life they all have and they should appreciate it. If we don't hear her calling him "puffins" in the new shows, we will know it's true. I just don't know what to believe anymore.

Anonymous said...

Jerry...didn't Hef start that magazine with no money? Now look at him! He's almost a 100 yrs old, a bo-jillionaire, still good looking and still has naked hot young babes at his beck & call! You are sooo jelez!

Anonymous said...

Well, you can believe he's not going to marry her anytime soon. Hef's still married to his *wife*... Kimberly Conrad.

Anonymous said...

yep, he's still married, for some strange reason. And she lives next door with their kids!!! In an almost identical mansion. SHE will be his widow!!!

Anonymous said...

*snarf* the guy in the back can barely keep his lunch down looking at them