Thursday, October 30, 2008

Poor girl

What is it? The prematurely gray so bored she could spit washed out wife of a closeted homosexual who has more money than God costume?


Anonymous said...

Whoa! Being Ms. Sino has aged this poor woman way, way beyond her years. What does he have HER drinking? I'm sure she is stressed out, ya know, doing the horse laugh and playing the game, but where are her parents? Where was her lawyer in this tightly knit contract of "marriage"? I agree with anonymous here: Run Katie Run

Anonymous said...

What a shame. She used to be bubbly and cute. Now she has dead eyes and a joyless look all the time. One day we will know the truth behind Tom's secret lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

gawd! she's not even thirty & she can't afford a stylist. Nothing is more aging than gray hair on a woman.

Anonymous said...

Tommy Girl mus' be suckin' th' lifeforce outta her.

Anonymous said...

I think I know that guy.

Anonymous said...

I don't see any gray but her skin tone is unhealthy.

She made her own choices, (to be important in a cult). I don't understand why people think she's brainwashed.

If she's brainwashed, then they're all brainwashed and all equally victimized. Just because everyone confused the actress with the role she played, the public needs to see her in the victim role.
People. are. dumb.

Anonymous said...

Wow 4:40. That was so deep.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:44 - sorry my comment made you feel inadequate!