Reader Roxanne alerted me to the fact that Holly's My Space now lists Criss Angel as her top friend. Ohhh, yeah, that DOES mean something, Roxy. Air heads live on My Space, she's telling the world something big. Madison also told Hollyscoop that Hef's "type" is "Blonde and not too challenging otherwise. I don't know what he was ever doing with me." Then why don't you move out of his house? Huu?
Oooh, someones starting to get quite bitter now..
As time goes on & she's replaced without hesitation...people start to care less about her & the focus is back on Hef & his new gaggle of bleached bimbos... We will see more of Holly's ugly side.
Good times, good times.
I wanted to add-
I ALWAYS knew that she was seething behind that fake-ass-clenched-teeth smile!
Her face never moves when she talked!
lets see...whats NOT fake about Holly??? Wow...I thot about it, nothing!
Ginger09: Don't you think she's full to the brim with botox, among other things? Faces don't move when they are paralized.
Criss Angel? Wow, that's really a move up...didn't he used to hang with Pamela? I think her true colors are going to be coming out real soon...and they won't be pretty.
the "Midfreak"?
of the three bimbos in the house, for some reason I thought she was the smartest...
If nothing else Chris Angel will definitely make her hygienic appeal "disappear"
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