NeNe (seated, light gray top), I am so on your side! OMG! Sharee (pink) totally left your name off the party of the year guest list just to fuck with you! Giiiiiirl, you should kick her mega-bitchy ass! I don't even think her name is Sheree, snot, I think her parents named her Sherry and she couldn't handle it. Sheree' my ass, you can't spend 10 grand for a purse with a name like Sherry.
I found this show embarassing (for them and for me as a woman). All these housewives shows are a joke, aren't they? Do they try to find the most superficial, artificial women in every city, LA, NY and now Atlanta, to be on the shows? And I'm wondering if the wives themselves realize how comical and ridiculous they are or are they so full of themselves that they like this attention?
Millions wasted by them with no remorse. I don't know how I feel about them. Shocked? disgusted? Entertained? All of the above?
All these Ghett-O ho's have it made now! All the money they could ever want or need, a husband that gives them everything & then some. Never have to work, BTW-they are all heavy/& or overweight IMO. I may be jealous of their wealth, I haven't figured that out yet. I have always had to work, I don't have a home like you see on "Cribs" not even close. I think I just want their house, just 1!! I support myself and I'm just plain tired. When I see women like this that were obviously pulled outta the gutter into a life of luxury, it turns my stomach. Life isn't fair, it sux, then you die. *sigh*. None of them deserve what they have, they are just damn lucky they have it!
Can't watch. I've been afraid to watch this show in fear of seeing myself in these people. I unfortunately had to do a double take, worried that the one in the black dress was me. It's nice to have nice but when and why did it become so popular to shove it in peoples faces? Wasn't that always considered the ultimate in "low class". Everyone who participated in these shows is not going to be proud when they look back on this.
As I was watching that one lady, whose mystery man has an endless bank account, drop $18,000+ on her little girl's birthday celebration, (most people can live on 18K for a year) it occurred to me that all of the "stuff" these women have, all the houses, furs, shoes, jewels, is so strangely tacky. I feel the same way when I watch the other housewives shows. That being said, I can't get enough of NeNe! She's hilarious! I would totally hang out with her because she's such a character.
You know...these women are a mixed bag. I too love NeNe, she is a real trip. I also like umm..lisa? is that her name? The one married to the NFL guy with the new baby. She seems to have her own thing going on and I like that. The rest of them are annoyingly trying to be something they are not. However, I'm all for the entertainment value, just like the other housewife shows.
I like Kim and NeNe, I'd hang out with them, but, they wouldn't hang out with me and my garage sale vintage crap. I want their houses too, anon.
Why not a real effin' show about us REAL normal AVERAGE housewives?
No superficial, phony, catty, materialistic dramatic bullshit, just funny characters who have interesting lives, kids, jobs & a mortgage we actually have to pay by working!?
Ugh! I am so sick of these disgusting women. i havent seen the Atlanta show, i saw a few episodes of the OC one & 1 of the NY ones. I was ready to KILL Bethanny. Neurotic & uppity ...omg...breathe....
Ok, better...
But seriously? All i see is pretentious over botoxed faked tittied stepford wannabe's making their husbands bust their asses so they can piss on the resulting cash. The kids are a part of our future. that scares me.
There's enough half-witted, selfish whiny, spoiled kids today that have an overblown sense of entitlement, & it's destroying our society completely!
Can i get an Amen!?
Kidding...it really pisses me off though.
I digress. I need coffee.
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