Sunday, October 12, 2008

Rest in peace, Mikasa

Miss Mikasa passed away, awwwwww. Rest in peace, Mikasa, you had over 16 years, a good life and someone who loved you. I'm sorry, Miss Tia.


Anonymous said...


my *sincere condolences* Our kitties are our children,I understand how painful it is.

From my experience ( volunteering to help ferals ) I have to say that we must celebrate Mikasa's Long life, there are too many who never get the chance they deserve.

Spay/Neuter & please SAVE ONE-

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for your loss, misstia.
Mikasa sure took a pretty picture.

Anonymous said...

aww sorry to hear that - beautiful pic. I know how much pets become a part of your family.


Mrs. M. said...

My thoughts are definetely with you. My dogs are like my kids-I would fall to pieces without them so my heart goes out to you.

Anonymous said...

Oh Miss Tia I was so sorry & sad to read this today. My pets are 'my family', she was such a pretty little kitty, i feel for you, i know you'll miss her beyond explaination. Sending out good thoughts, hugs and wishing you lots of happy happy memories.

with3love said...

Sorry for your loss MissTia, she looked like a beautiful kitty.

My moms cat of 17 years us dying of cancer and she spends all day with him, giving him pain meds (which are difficult to acquire since the vet has to do tons of paperwork) etc, etc.

Anywhoo it seems cats with great owners, are the ones that last for so long. My grandmothers cat lived to 20 human years before my mom ran her over, the cat was sleeping under the car (deaf, blind) and it was just the saddest thing...

Anonymous said...

I know i'm new here & don't know any of you, but this was hard to see. I have rescued dogs & cats for my entire life, mostly the past 7 years w/ my hubby, and we have currently 2 dogs & 6 cats. They literally become your furry kids. Our most difficult loss was our brown tabby, Peyton (AKA Fatty, Fat Cat, Lincoln Fats)
She was my hubby's father's cat, & he had died in 2000 from Cancer, so she was all my hubby had left of his father. She acquired a cancerous lump on her side in 03, and we had it surgically removed. She went through a hellish recovery, but we couldn't bear to lose her. It came back twice...after the third surgery we knew we were being selfish putting her through hell to keep her here & suffer. It was the hardest feeling love them SO much you don't wanna let them go, but you know you are in charge of ending their pain. We got back from a mini vacation in 05 where a friend had been watching her for us, & found that her new small tumor had burst. we knew this was it. I also got a call that morning that my grandmother had collapsed, we belived she had cancer ( she did- we found out that night) So i had to rush my grandma to the hospital. I made the final vet appointment for Fatty that morning & was simply falling to pieces knowing i was leaving it all on my hubby to take care of alone. I loved on her before i left & cried, kissed her & squeezed her & made her promise to visit us...
Sounds crazy, but after my grandma pulled through, a few weeks later one night i was in bed..& i felt weight on the bed next to my legs....heard loud purring, and that "kneading" sensation only Fatty would do. I woke the hubby to tell him and it continued for a few more moments & stopped. we both cried for a few i said, it sounded nutty, but we know it was her.
We have her ashes in out entertainment center..she'll always be a part of this family.
I don't know if that helps, ( & i know i can write friggin' novels)but i am a very spiritual person & i believe when you love someone or something SO much, they never leave you.
All my best,

Anonymous said...

thank you all very kindly for your comforting words.

Mikasa was my first cat (so as 'first born' she was alway very very special). She lived in the bedroom by herself after she almost died of a liver infection at age 5. When she recovered she didn't want to leave the room---she didn't like the other cats anyway. She would ONLY eat fancy feast fish and shrimp after her recovery, so for 11 years that kept her very happy & healthy, plus her twice yearly taco bell steak soft taco or nachos bell grande on her birthday and on our anniversary. Of course she got chicken and cheese whenever she would 'protest' for it.

I knew this was going to happen as she was loosing some weight, etc but that still doesn't prepare you for it. I feel more of a void today than yesterday.

I'm having her cremated so she can be buried with me when I die. And I shall keep her ashes in the bedroom.

Anonymous said...

I'm a blithering bawling mess at this point, reading all this. So many memories and emotions.

I'm so sorry for your loss just doesn't seem like enough to say, your not alone MissTia, many of us understand what your feeling & the empty feeling today ((hugs)).

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss....

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Miss Tia. She was a beautiful kitty.
We have had three cats, and they all grew to (fairly) old age, before they became too ill to go on.
We lost Missy Bimber, who was 15 and a half two and a half years ago to cancer, Wee One, two years ago this coming Nov. 2 to diabetes and seizure disorder, and the last one, Mr. Bubba, to advance cancer last Jan. 26, at almost 18. Each one was as heartbreaking as the others, and I still find it difficult to talk about them.
Time helps, but not that much.
I'm sure she was as lucky to have you as you were, her.
They are truly our furry little babies.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Miss Tia...I'll never forget her birthday tacos. Try to smile...she would want that.

Anonymous said...

{{{{{Huge hugs}}}}} to you tonight, MissTia.

(from an 'anon' here who loves you lots... You're one helluva gal)

Unknown said...

>hugs misstia<

"a few weeks later one night i was in bed..& i felt weight on the bed next to my legs....heard loud purring, and that "kneading" sensation only Fatty would do. I woke the hubby to tell him and it continued for a few more moments & stopped. we both cried for a few i said, it sounded nutty, but we know it was her."

hey ginger09, you're not nutty, my husband and I had the same exact experience when our kitty Simon passed away a couple of years ago. He died very early in the morning (4am). That night he came back to say good-bye...jumped on the bed, walked all over us as he would do and kneaded on my husband's chest. We didn't open our eyes...but we knew it was him. We just felt him and took that moment in our hearts. I will never get over it.

Anonymous said...

thank you again everyone for your comments, they have been wonderfully comforting. HUGS!

Anonymous said...

So sorry MissTia...what a beautiful precious baby! I AM very sorry. I hope she had some babies so you still have a little part of her around. XO

Anonymous said...

Sory to hear about your loss Miss Tia. Cats are special in their personalities and we grow attached to them so deeply because of that. Either they love us or they hate us. She looked like a great companion. Wish you well.

Heartles conservative.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful baby!! I'm sorry Miss Tia.