Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sarah Palin's childhood

Yes, it really is her.


Anonymous said...

Gee, thanks dd.

Anonymous said...

i thought it was a young lisa loeb...

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Lisa Loeb.

This is disturbing. it's so Children of the corn-ish... even as a child she was unsettling & creepy.

Anonymous said...

Where is Tina Fey's chilhood pictures?

You can't have one without the other.

Anonymous said...

So what? Now you people have to go back in time to harass upstanding citizens who don't support racist-pig-Obama? She's a fucking SAINT in comparison, so fuck off.

Anonymous said...

So what? Now you people have to go back in time to harass upstanding citizens who don't support racist-pig-Obama? She's a fucking SAINT in comparison, so fuck off.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and by you people, I meant black people. Hope there was no confusion.

Anonymous said...

And yes, I know you're not black. Just delusional.

Anonymous said...

At Syracuse Law School, it was discovered that Joe Biden got an F-grade in a class for boldly copying enormous chunks of someone else’s law review article.

Biden attempted to excuse the plagiarism by claiming it was a “mistake of youth.” He went before the school Deans and pleaded that they not expel him completely. He was allowed to retake the course and the cheating grade was later expunged from his record.

In response to the shocking revelation, Biden released all of his school transcripts including written evaluation by his teachers. The Syracuse transcripts revealed a candidate who had generally poor grades and only mixed reviews from his professors.

Apparently Biden has a history of supplementing his perceived failings by borrowing from others or simply exaggerating or lying. The final straw in his first presidential race was when he lied about the number of degrees he had received, the reason for his scholarship, and his graduating rank in class. Joe Biden was near the bottom of his class despite having that F-grade removed for plagiarism.

The voters will decide for themselves if Joe Biden is worthy of the VP office. The 1987/88 election run was a long time ago, while perhaps only the pundits remember Joe Biden’s shame.

And if the public can forgive Biden, they will have to decide if they want two copycats in the White House given a similar problem by Obama that was largely ignored by the press.

Anonymous said...

She is creepy, isn't she?
Tina Fey I can watch, but there is something about SP that just feels wrong.

Anonymous said...

God, have to attack her child pics. Just say you hate republicans and no matter what they do, say or look like you will attack them.

Now republicans you say the same about Dems. Now shut the fuck up. So sick of both of you types. Its getting so old.

Anonymous said...

Aw, she was a cute kid. That's really unusual, you know? Most kids are covered in sores and ugly tumors. God bless 'er!

Anonymous said...

That racist pig Obama, I tell you what, god bless 'im, but really, if yer listenin' to what I'm sayin' well you might figure that to most ordinary Joes he's just tryin' to tax 'em and then he'll just keep taxin' 'em until they don't know which way is up (and lord knows he'll be racist and sexist the whole time he's doin' it), you know, because if you are tryin' to scrape by at more than $250,000 per year you might be surprised to know that you will be taxed a bit more than the lower class Joe 6pack plumbers who are barely surviving making less than 1/4 million dollars per year, bless yer hearts. My goodness. Here's the worst of it: They won't be waitin' for money to trickle down nor will they be taxed more, I tell you what, bless their hearts, but they won't be payin' any more taxes than they're payin' now, fer cryin' out loud. How will we survive on that? Makin' the wealthy pay more and not givin' tax breaks to huge corporations? Why that's jest un-a-merkin. Damn that racist pig Obama, and thank you for your excellent points and information to back up your statements, 9:28 smartypants! Gawd bless ya!

Anonymous said...

9:05 your just as much of a bore as 9:28. I know, I know you think your so witty because you typed all of those words. Really your both just twits.

Anonymous said...

I thought 9.05 was quite funny actually.

Anonymous said...

Reading is hard!