Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Seriously, shut up, blo-ho

In her endless and futile life long attempt to stay relevant, Maureen McCormick has penned a biography which comes out today, called "Here's the Story: Surviving Marcia Brady and Finding My True Voice."

The book details her life as a druggie teen who slept with her screen brother Greg, dated Michael Jackson and Steve Martin and was amazed that dirty old men who hung out at the Playboy mansion would trade her free coke for sex. Her concept of "free" is debatable.

That title's a mouthful, Marcia, Marcia, Marcia..but, it seems you're no stranger to that. Didn't McCormic realize she made enough money to buy her own blow?


Anonymous said...

she was that Celebrity Fit Club a season or 2 back, she was the biggest loser and now I have seen her on yet another reality show where she & another Fit Club loser run a B&B, but she's all fat again! WTH? She's not a loser afterall!!! We all knew that Brady family was effed up even way back in the day. Gay dad, mom dating the son, dyke housekeeper, whore middle daughter trailer trash, scary little sister...just waaaay too much sh** going on there for it not be effed up!!!

Anonymous said...

I used to love the Brady Bunch. Thought I'd gone to heaven when they went to Hawaii.
What a bunch of losers they all are. Hollywood crap is kind of my thing, but I just don't think I have the stomach for this book.

Anonymous said...

That show depicted the epitome of suburban hell. It made me cringe, despite feeling I should be as squeaky clean as they were.

Just, ugh.

Anonymous said...

wow! i never knew that about her. now i see why she never wanted to do any reunion shows, she slept with them all!! lol

Anonymous said...

I was the Marcia Brady of my junior high -- ugh! -- something I will never EVER be able to live down. No interest in revisiting her childhood or my own.

Anonymous said...

Looking past the desire to thrust herself into the lime light for another 15 minutes, i think she's reiterating what so many other one time celeb's have said and something we already know, nothing is as it seems on the surface, wether in hollywood, online or with average john and jane doe.