Awww, that's sad. The Daily Mail started a rumor that Tea has taken up with Angelina's ex, Billy Bob Thornton and that David found naughty text messages from him to Tea, resulting in David leaving his wife. The Daily Mail is not to be trusted, they're the ones responsible for a lot of the photoshopped images of stars with "cellulite" and fake fat ass photos. But, Tea has been spotted at Billy Bob's band gigs...but, come on! Billy Bob? Over David Duchovny?? Anyhow, I hope the couple works it out, I like them together. I gots no jokes about David today, I'm still half asleep and I think Jerry and I covered them all the other day, right, Jer?
Billy Bob can give her a good rogering without getting too dep and emotional. Angelina was dicknotized when she spoke about their lovemaking. He's a man's man, and maybe Tea needs some rough riding.
I hate seeing couples I thought were happy (and have kids) split up.
I liked Billy Bob before he got all that terrible plastic surgery & botched hair plugs.
Hate Billy Bob. David has his problems but at least he's not, you know, Billy Bob.
Woo Hoo! I finally get my chance!!!
Just kidding
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