Wednesday, October 29, 2008

William Balfour's mother on Nancy Grace

She's not helping. Doesn't she have a lawyer to tell her to shut up?


Anonymous said...

Nancy Grace is my hero. I know a lot of ppl hate her but Nancy takes up for the victims and that is why I respect her so much.

Willam Balfour & this whole mess is an example of our useless justice system and the fact that we need to clean up these ghettos that keep reproducing,bringing innocent kids into this mess.

Jennifer Hudson should be a shining example to her sister of hard work,wise choices & making for a better way of life.

I feel bad for Julia but she needs a reality check! esp. if this thug killed her little boy.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she is not smart enough to speak without a lawyer, Whatever it takes to get some justice for little boy.

Poor Jennifer :( she's out busting her ass & her sister is busy on myspace talking about niggaz's dicks ( Julia's words ) and saying how she likes it done.

R.I.P Julian. God didn't want you brought up like this. What a mess.

Anonymous said...

if there is a god (and all evidence points to no, there isn't) this is exactly what he wanted - or it wouldn't have happened.

There is either not a go, or that christian god is a big, hypocritical, mass murdering asshole.

Anonymous said...

Well 3:32, you have a right to your opinion! America is a great country :)

*I believe in a higher power* and pray for justice and that the thug who did this,ROTS in HELL.

Anonymous said...

I heard it and it was unreal that this woman lives in such denial about her own son. She answered one question with a long litany of excuses about something else all together. Yes, my boy was stealing a car, but then the man jumped on the hood of the car and shot at my son because it was his car. So he was really the bad guy, the one who owned the car. Yes, my son has two girlfriends, but he and Julia are man and wife. It is complicated because he had no privacy. WTH was this woman talking about!!! She could give denial lessons to KC Anthony's mother.

Anonymous said...

4:04, This woman is just like Casey Anthony's parents, she's lying,denying & defending an ADULT! What about the seven year old child?

Get ready America! because it's only going to get worse with each generation. There is no taking responsibility and hardly anyone stands for what is right.

Hurting or killing anthing defenseless ( animals & children ) is evil,cowardly and deserves the death penalty or at least a good ass raping that lasts a lifetime. Enough already-

Anonymous said...

anon's 3:11 & 3:28-- WTF are you guys talking about, with "Jennifer being an example of hard work" and "Jennifer being out there busting her ass, while Julia.. blah blah blah"

JULIA WORKS. As a GODDAMNED BUS DRIVER, no less. She's NOT sitting around on her can all day waiting for handouts from the government or from her rich 'n famous sister!

Get your facts straight before you hurl ridiculous insults towards someone who's just lost her mother, her brother and HER CHILD.

3:11, you're the one in need of "a reality check." Women from EVERY rung of the socio-economic ladder err in their choice of men-- and vice versa! It happens every day and in every city. "Mr. Wonderful" reveals himself to be a living nightmare --or worse-- and it's generally because people rush into relationships/marriages-- NOT because they live "in the ghetto."

Jennifer Hudson may "work hard" and may have made "wise choices" in her young life, but she's successful because she's extraordinarily TALENTED as an entertainer. By your logic, Julia's supposed to aspire to THAT?

I respect Julia for working a job at ALL. She was doing what she had to do to get by, and when she realized her MISTAKE with Balfour-- she sought to rectify it by kicking him to the curb. His [obvious] retaliation against the family would have happened regardless of their financial circumstances. And no doubt if it hadn't come from the "car incident"... it would have come eventually.

Anonymous said...

6:43, You win the Prize!!! of bringing up the Race card.LOL! What a cop out.

You can try to bully me & other posters all that you want! I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

I read Julia's blog and it's clearly what is wrong with many ppl reproducing today. The language on there was disgusting, talking about fucking, liking dick, her pussy,coochie and Hood style ( I'm quoting ). That kind of language is GHETTO!

Yes! she drives a bus for a living, o.k! so at least she works but You clearly need a reality check if you think marrying or being involved with a low life convicted of attempted murder, cocaine possession and fucking other women is acceptable. Julia even let this scumbag around her son. WTF?!

Jennifer Hudson HAS worked her ass off! and she supported her family as well as her community. My heart goes out to her, look at how things ended up.

Anonymous said...

Was that an actual conclusion, or simply the place where you got tired of thinking?

Where is there ANYTHING referring to RACE in my post?

My ENTIRE POST was simply for the purpose of illustrating that what happened in the Hudson household could have happened ANYWHERE. It had NOTHING to do with their location-- or their circumstances.

Domestic violence, including that which results in murder, can-- and does happen everywhere.

Anonymous said...

1:12, you definitely are defending the GHETTO way of life.

Prince Charming is waaaay more guilty of things like ATTEMPTED MURDER, POSSESSION of Cocaine and well... just being a total scumbag who enjoys spreading around stds.

Get a clue! but you are correct about ONE thing, Life is about CHOICES! I'm not sure how your reading & comprehension is, but I suugest you read Julia Hudson's blog. It definitely doesn't sound like a woman who put her kid first or was looking for a way to better herself. Stop being so "complacent" and listen to Bill Crosby. It's not about " judging" it's about cleaning up your act! getting your shit together and leading your kids in the right direction.

Thanks for playing-

Anonymous said...

I don't even know them and I'm embarrassed.