I still don't know why they have to advertise milk, but, even more puzzling is why they had to photoshop Heidi's legs. If her thighs are too big to sell milk, none of us have a chance. Wouldn't it be nice if rural life really looked like that? Fark! Even the cow isn't safe from digital manipulation.
those kittens look photoshopped in too!
and isn't her one leg facing at a painful angle?
It's awkward, no doubt. I wonder why they can't see that?
they be blinded by the blurring tool or something...
you know her braids are almost as thick as her legs...wtf is up with THAT???
As a volunteer for the SPCA, I am totally against having the kittens in the picture,not only is Heidi ho going to kill one by stepping on the little one with her stilletos! the goal these days is to get them ALL spayed or neutered & adopted A.S.A.P! Unless they are too feral, which btw. those look about 6-8 weeks, so they are still socialable.
P.S! To: Misstia! I hope & pray your broken heart is healing ( losing your kitty ) I know it takes time*
God Heidi Klum again. I really hate this annoying cunt.
While there's no doubt that's Heidi's body... doesn't her head appear to be cut/pasted?
WEIRD lookin!
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