Aniston: "I've said it so many times: I'm going to have children. I just know it." * She'd better get crackin' ...and there's only one sperm doner on the horizon......and his sweaty fingers are itching to smack his keyboard. The silence is killing him.
she's been saying that for what, 10 years now?? it's obvious she doesn't want them--or she would have had them...there's nothing wrong with NOT having children...i think she feels she needs to compete with AJ....
i remember when she was still married to brad she said after she quit friends she would get pregnant...but that didn't happen....
for someone who claims to be 'private' she sure discusses a lot of personal stuff...
Even private people want to clear the air sometimes. She had plenty of opportunity to have a child and she could still have a child anytime if she wanted to 'compete with AJ' and she could have had a child just to keep Brad happy, but she must feel it's not right for her. But Jen says so little about herself that bloggers and reporters have to make stuff up about her.
I agree with 2:11, I don't think she's airing her personal junk, she's just answering some of the years & years of gossip on the subject.
I don't know what the big deal is with everyone wanting her to have kids and obessing over why she doesn't. I like her, i always have, but she's never struck me as the motherly type and she likes her lifestyle the way it is too much and with kids all thats over and it's no longer about you. Theres nothing wrong with not having children, it doesn't make you a bad or selfish person if you know yourself well enough and choose not to.
4:31, I couldn't agree more. I really do not know if Jennifer Aniston wants children? Who fucking cares?! this is the 21rst century. Some women do not want to barefoot & preggers.
I find Jennifer to be very Jackie O & I love it! Jen waited four years or more to respond to brangelina's diarreah of the mouth. It's about time someone shut them down
And this is the woman Kim Stewart thinks is ugly? I don't know what kind of eyes she's looking through. Jen A. is the most natural beauty around and this picture, if nothing else, proves it. Very pretty, very clean, very non-hemorrhoid lips, to quote someone (I thought that was a perfect name for AJ).
Their going to be some ugly ass kids if John Mayers the daddy - he is FUG, looks like a concentration camp victim with his dark circles around his eyes .... gross.
I just watched the Oprah interview with J.A, I have to say, I respect the fact that she is not a media whore. She was very genuine with Oprah, well spoken... she didn't say stupid things like duck lips always does.
One thing I did notice was to me, J.A seems very detatched, I think she prefers dating, freedom and girl time. She's definitely very girl next door & casual. Hemroid lips is always putting on a show ( her own narcissism ) I think the brangelina thing is purely lust & nothing else but I also think Jen & Brad were really just good friends, not a lot of chemistry.
Pure lust does not translate to six kids. That would be dumb-ass stupid-head lust. Six kids are quite an investment in life for years, decades, to come. I'm fairly sure. Hope I'm right.
agreed..very cute doggy! Is that her dog? He looks like some kind of terrier. They are the best dogs. Fun & playful. He looks like a mix to me. Cute!! And if she does want kids she is getting kinda old. babies are hard work for your body at that age. Even young women are miserable when they are about due. It's not all fun. But I do hope she doesn't have kids with JM. He has lost so many fans of late due to his own big damn mouth. His true self came thru loud & clear. The man is an idiot.
she's been saying that for what, 10 years now?? it's obvious she doesn't want them--or she would have had them...there's nothing wrong with NOT having children...i think she feels she needs to compete with AJ....
i remember when she was still married to brad she said after she quit friends she would get pregnant...but that didn't happen....
for someone who claims to be 'private' she sure discusses a lot of personal stuff...
Even private people want to clear the air sometimes.
She had plenty of opportunity to have a child and she could still have a child anytime if she wanted to 'compete with AJ' and she could have had a child just to keep Brad happy, but she must feel it's not right for her. But Jen says so little about herself that bloggers and reporters have to make stuff up about her.
Miss tia,
If you were in a shaky marriage, would you bring kids into it?? It's a blessing Jennifer did not have kids with Brad Pitt face.
And btw! she can always adopt and I do not mean in a brangelina hoarding way. I mean *sincerely*
How old is Jen now?
I agree with 2:11, I don't think she's airing her personal junk, she's just answering some of the years & years of gossip on the subject.
I don't know what the big deal is with everyone wanting her to have kids and obessing over why she doesn't. I like her, i always have, but she's never struck me as the motherly type and she likes her lifestyle the way it is too much and with kids all thats over and it's no longer about you. Theres nothing wrong with not having children, it doesn't make you a bad or selfish person if you know yourself well enough and choose not to.
4:31, I couldn't agree more. I really do not know if Jennifer Aniston wants children? Who fucking cares?! this is the 21rst century. Some women do not want to barefoot & preggers.
I find Jennifer to be very Jackie O & I love it! Jen waited four years or more to respond to brangelina's diarreah of the mouth. It's about time someone shut them down
And this is the woman Kim Stewart thinks is ugly? I don't know what kind of eyes she's looking through. Jen A. is the most natural beauty around and this picture, if nothing else, proves it. Very pretty, very clean, very non-hemorrhoid lips, to quote someone (I thought that was a perfect name for AJ).
Off topic, cute doggie! Love the collar.
Their going to be some ugly ass kids if John Mayers the daddy - he is FUG, looks like a concentration camp victim with his dark circles around his eyes .... gross.
I just watched the Oprah interview with J.A, I have to say, I respect the fact that she is not a media whore. She was very genuine with Oprah, well spoken... she didn't say stupid things like duck lips always does.
One thing I did notice was to me, J.A seems very detatched, I think she prefers dating, freedom and girl time. She's definitely very girl next door & casual. Hemroid lips is always putting on a show ( her own narcissism ) I think the brangelina thing is purely lust & nothing else but I also think Jen & Brad were really just good friends, not a lot of chemistry.
Pure lust does not translate to six kids. That would be dumb-ass stupid-head lust. Six kids are quite an investment in life for years, decades, to come. I'm fairly sure. Hope I'm right.
agreed..very cute doggy! Is that her dog? He looks like some kind of terrier. They are the best dogs. Fun & playful. He looks like a mix to me. Cute!! And if she does want kids she is getting kinda old. babies are hard work for your body at that age. Even young women are miserable when they are about due. It's not all fun. But I do hope she doesn't have kids with JM. He has lost so many fans of late due to his own big damn mouth. His true self came thru loud & clear. The man is an idiot.
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