Thunder Thighs, Solange Knowles was absolutely livid when organizers at World Music Awards failed to realize she's an A list celebrity and put her in cupboard and told her it was her dressing room. Other clebs, like Mariah Carey and Alicia Keys were given the deluxe treatment with huge suites and luxurious swag, but, Solange could barley turn around in her closet. Furious and insulted, she made Beyonce share her digs and some of the other celebs were giggling about her. The nerve of those people! Don't they know who she is??? Their going to get angry letters from at least three people, in jumbo crayon, as soon as they can post bail.
DD, love your site and completely agree with that people like Solange possess delusions and over-inflated egos, but why call her thunder thighs? It just seems so unnecessary when there are so many girls out there starving themselves to fit the image of the perfect, skinny model type.
In that photo she looks like she's gonna snap and go psycho bitch any minute.
Easy Mich..because she disgusts me.
Yeah, I know. I have seen interviews with her and she disgusts me too. I just get concerned about the many young impressionable girls out there who read these celebrity blogs and compare themselves... I just think it is better to merely ridicule the vapidness of these "stars"...
I didn't even know she was a celebrity of any standing at all. Thought she was B's sister...sorta the Billy Carter type if any of you are old enough to remember that gem of the Pres' family.
good one! hell, I dont know who she is either. Not really. Just some skank that was preg at 16 married an NFL'r by 17 and divorced by 18! She's a ho. She was lucky to even get to be there! Dayum!
Nah...it's ok. She is just "Thunder Thighs Part Duex"...Bouncie is #1..
Errr. She and her sister both lack a major component of life. Knees. Thighs-straight-into-calves. No knees.
Do the math.
I don't remember that from math but it's been a looong time since I took it and I know things have changed. Solange? Who cares.
Poor Spongie. It sucks being the useless "nobody" sibling of a supastah!
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