According to tmz, sources let it slip that Brad Pitt called Jen Aniston to complain about that interview where she said Angelina is uncool. I wondered how long it would take Angie to blow up. We can only hope Jennifer told him to take his tattooed slag and shove her up his ass, face first. He should have had Maddox call. "You leave my mommy alone, you chick flick hag, my mommy's an action star!" Instead, Brad just makes an ass of himself again. It takes some nerve, I tell ya. Can you believe this guy??
I believe it. I also believe that Angelina was next to Brad holding a 45 to his pecker and threatening to adopt two or three more kids to keep him busy. She found herself the perfect robot partner to abuse. She probably can't stand that Jen is getting sympathy. They are all so full of shit, but Brad is especially pathetic.
What is with Pitt's new 80 year old man in Boca Raton look? YUCK!
Hey, "uncool" is the nicest thing Jen could've called Angie. He ought to be calling to thank her for that. What friggin' nerve he has!
Hate him! She should not be answering his calls at all now. It's not like they have kids. I would delete him from my f'g life. Moving on now dude! You do the same! I hope he got her assistant and had to relay the msg to a go-between, now that WOULD be cool. Make him do that, like a nobody! AJ needs to leave the planet, how can she stand the breathe the same oxygen as all of us? My gawd!
PS: They don't have oxygen on other planets! Haha!! I will help pay her way!!! Here's a dollar - $.
anon 1:30 said: "What is with Pitt's new 80 year old man in Boca Raton look? YUCK!"
Tooo true! LMAO! I love your comparison! Hate his new look. Is he in a new movie with George or sumpin'? He's got a skinny old man mustache now, it looks like sh** and makes him look old too. What the he** is going on? They all wanna look like Jerry's uncle Morty!
OK...now it's all too apparent why Billy Bob couldn't deal with AJ & Maddox. He wasn't about to take her sh** and run his life for him. I get why he left them. He's a very lucky man to be out. I bet Brad laments the day he left Jen for AJ and wonders what his life would be like now. How different & quiet & more normal(by Hollywood standards) it would be. You know he wonders. He probably just wanted to hear her voice after seeing the fab pics of her & he was probably yanking during the entire convo. Thats not even a joke!!! The man is pathetic now. A f'g doormat.
How did he find his balls to call her? I guess AJ relinquished them for a few minutes to do her dirty work!
rotflmao! I hope this is true! and I hope Jen A. told him to go fuck himself!
It's been at least 4 years and Jen A. hasn't said a fucking thing! unlike brangelina who never shut up.
Team Jen! you go girl!
LOL! The comments are too funny!
He probably did want to hear her voice again, but I'm sure that AJ threw a hissy-fit when she read the interview, also. Obviously Angelina is keeping a very close eye on JA or she wouldn't even know what was said. It was hidden down deep in that article, after all.
I hope that JA didn't take any crap from him, either.
Brad and George Clooney both look terrible now, and to think it wasn't that long ago that they were heartthrobs.
I think that Brad and Angelina need to shut their fucking pie-holes. What is truly uncool, is cheating on your wife, with a known ho-bag who knows very well that you are married. The ho-bag then proceeds to get pregnant while you are still married, and you divorce your wife, while lying over and over that you were not involved with the ho-bag while you were married. Then, the ho-bag says (in interviews) that the two of you fell in love when everyone suspected you did, and then you get upset when the ex-wife has the gall to say you were uncool.
BTW. . .I think that Billy Bob got out just in time. I met him years ago, when he was filming a movie close by, and he was truly a nice man. (Creepy on the red carpet, etc.), but he was very low-key, signed autographs for anyone and everyone who wanted one, when they called him back in for filming he turned to the crowd and said "if you didn't get (my autograph), and still want one, I will come back out between scenes and sign one for you". He did come back out later, and even posed for pictures with our son, with people's dogs, etc. A really nice guy.
Very cool story, maybe we could see the picture of him with your son on Sunday??
BTW, I don't know why anyone couldn't deal with Mad, I think he's the coolest.
I agree with the first anon, AJ was totally threatening his pecker.
the sentence was about " AJ & Maddox"...not Maddox alone. She became obsessed with the kid and Billy Bob wasn't about a bunch of kids & a controlling wife! Good for Billy. He sounds alright.
I really do love Brad, but this man has no sense or conscience if he is defending Angelina and his actions.
I think it's just time that they all let it go. It's so far into the past that no one really cares what happened in the beginning anymore unless you're obsessed with the three of them.
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