Monday, November 17, 2008

Britney making fun of her dad

This is actually pretty cute.


Anonymous said...

Typical father daughter moment lol, thought it was cute too.

Unknown said...

It WAS cute!!! what a fun moment!!

Anonymous said...

thats very cute. He has saved her life and she knows it! Good dad!

Anonymous said...

Oh, who cares. I'm sick of that woman and her fucking contrived dramarama. I'm going to go ahead and say this because no one else here apparently has the stones to;
In the case of Britney Jean Spears the only thing that matters are her two children-- although of course, she doesn't seem to understand that. And Papa Spears isn't going to explain it to her lest he jeopardize his $2500 per week salary. Her fans? Forget it. Everyone's so thrilled by her "amazing career resurrection" and "new body" any thought to the fact that she also signed up to be a "Mother" is apparently forgotten.

I won't be surprised if Sean P & JJ follow the well-worn path of Hollywood kids like Redmond O'Neil-- a hardcore heroin addict with a dozen stabs at rehab. (and all before he was old enough to even drive a car.)

Why would they, you ask? Well, eventually it's going to sink in (at least for Sean P) that Mommy Dearest was far more concerned with launching her career "comeback" than she is with following her prescribed course of psychiatric treatment to the letter, achieving full release from the court-ordered conservatorship and WORKING TO RE-GAIN CUSTODY. A true MOTHER would drop everything else and stop at nothing--- until she had her babies back. Sooner or later, her boys will know this.

In the meantime, when the little guys aren't being shuttled between parents in a cloud of cigarette smoke, they're living a surreal life of luxury with a Daddy who they'll soon come to realize doesn't even work... unless you count making niteclub "appearances" in Las Vegas gainful employment.

Some choice. A Mother who only cares to work and a Father who doesn't is no choice at all. But leave it to Britney to be so pathetically unfit... she makes a pot-bellied, dead-beat hustler "Father of the Year."

Anonymous said...

10:37 I am already sick of you. Blah blah... You talk to much and say nothing!

Anonymous said...

10:37 you have a few valid points but i don't think your blanket assumptions on what Spears feels or doesn't feel for her childern is one of them.

Just because someone is a parent doesn't mean they have to give up on every aspect of life and live inside a house never to come out unless it's to take the kids to chucky cheese. That makes no sense. If she's going to be a healthy, physically and emotionally, happy humanbeing she needs blance and that includes working.

If anything the kids as they grow are going to realise their father is user who took advantage of situation for personal gain, the fact that 2 more kids came along meant little other then secured him more income. He isn't taking care of those kids, nannies are, and his ex (shar) babysits on the nannies off hours. Those kids will realize he played a huge part in their mothers decline, and also credit her with trying to pull her life together for them.

She's made alot of massive mistakes and her social & public behaviour has been nothing short of horrid. But i can't be like you and make the assumption (cause thats all it is on your part - assumptions) that she doesn't care for her children. Her actions as of late say other wise.

The_Aitch said...

10:37 Jeez get ur own blog!