Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Britney Spears Circus promo

Photos are art..there's no law that says they have to look like an actual living person. Shrugs..I kind of like it.


Anonymous said...

it is kewl. But she is inching towards the Paris Hilton look. At least Brit only dresses like that for promos! Not in real life. I like it too DD!

Anonymous said...

She looks like Jessica Simpson in this pic. Bet she wouldn't like to know that.

Anonymous said...

that looks like winner 2007 Jeffrey from Project Runway designed it! Nice!

Anonymous said...

She doesn't look like Britney. She look's more like Hef's (?) Holly.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't flatter her face, this picture, does it?

Anonymous said...

Her look is one thing.

Her new sound is quite another. Something along the lines of what a robot would sound like... if a robot could sing. Repetitive Robo-pop, I'd say.

Doubtful? Listen/watch "Womanizer".

Think it looks familiar? Sure you've seen it before? You *have*.
When I first saw it, I kept thinking just how much it resembled Britney's video for "Toxic"... (remember the tarted-up stewie on the plane?) Then I discovered that "Womanizer" and "Toxic" were directed by the same dude.. Joseph Kahn.

Gah. Once was enough.

Unknown said...

I loooooove the outfit. It's pwetty. Yes I'm a weirdo. I love corsets and petticoats.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you know what? If she can get herself straightened up. She will be back on top again and some B-lister will be wanting to date her! She should tell them all where to go!

Anonymous said...

I don't think she looks like any of those women ya'all mentioned, but she does have a different look these days just the same. She's maturing and been through alot in the past 3 years, it's got to show in expressions etc. I like this costume though, different but good.