I hear she'll be next month's centerfold in National Geographic.
MEGA UGHHHHHHwhat did peeps ever see in this biatch anyway??!! this is one seriously feckin UNATTRACTIVE woman.period,BAAAAAAAAAAARFFFFFFFFFF
OMG...that is really bad. She is always trying toooooo hard. Pick those suckers up, Mimi! You are not one of those girls who can go without a bra...AND that dress is not for u. It adds to your look of desperation
Since they are implants,I'm sure they will be like that when she's 90. Even after she's dead in the grave... those implants will survive.
Implants? Since when do implants deflate like that? No way.
I didn't think she had implants either, but she admits to having them done in 1999. It's on her IMDB page.
YIKES! Mimi, I hope you get to see this picture. Some of us don't have a clue until we see a photo of ourselves.
True that implants don't deflat, but thats not deflated, it's simply drooping, theres a difference. She's old enough to have some droop, big deal.
Sock monkeys "Droopsters" are prob from the heavily beaded dress. Lawwwd knows she can have 'em hiked up as high as she wants.mm
Implants settle. I guess her implants have just decided to relax. They must feel at home.
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I hear she'll be next month's centerfold in National Geographic.
what did peeps ever see in this biatch anyway??!!
this is one seriously feckin UNATTRACTIVE woman.period,
OMG...that is really bad. She is always trying toooooo hard. Pick those suckers up, Mimi! You are not one of those girls who can go without a bra...AND that dress is not for u. It adds to your look of desperation
Since they are implants,I'm sure they will be like that when she's 90. Even after she's dead in the grave... those implants will survive.
Implants? Since when do implants deflate like that? No way.
I didn't think she had implants either, but she admits to having them done in 1999. It's on her IMDB page.
YIKES! Mimi, I hope you get to see this picture. Some of us don't have a clue until we see a photo of ourselves.
True that implants don't deflat, but thats not deflated, it's simply drooping, theres a difference. She's old enough to have some droop, big deal.
Sock monkeys "Droopsters" are prob from the heavily beaded dress. Lawwwd knows she can have 'em hiked up as high as she wants.
Implants settle. I guess her implants have just decided to relax. They must feel at home.
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