Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gwyneth Paltrow, still out of touch

She's been hanging out with Madonna too much. Either that or she's actually a paper doll and some kid tried to stick the Dita Von paper doll clothes on it. That last sentence might be a little confusing..much like mornings are to me..but, you get it.


Anonymous said...

She has got to be kidding with that get-up.

Anonymous said...

Gwyneth has such style and I thought she was a very classy person like her mother until I found that she and Madge were bffs. I guess looks can be deceiving after all. This dress and her choice of booties look ridiculous in this picture. Very K-Mart.

Anonymous said...

Love* Gwyneth* but I think this dress is STUPID-

Anonymous said...

I like her for the most part, and don't understand her and madonna's pals thing, guess it just shows we don't know either of them based on public persona's alone.

This dress, not sure what to say about it, kind of like chub girls who wear certain cloths to give an illusion of a shape, she's so skinny she's had to resort to doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

It's an homage to Stan Brakhage's Mothlight.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.....I wonder if she's trying to make some kind of statement.

Anonymous said...

Haha good comment dd. fug dress.

Anonymous said...

It's like a Walmart knock-off of Gaultier.

Anonymous said...

I really want to wear this bustier but it doesn't fit. Oh well, I'll safety-pin it to the front of my white dress. There, that looks real nice.

Anonymous said...

The dress is bad enough, then she tops it off with shoes AND SOCKS?? Very trailer park.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, now that's class...

Do they just do it for the attention?

Anonymous said...

it may not have been so bad.......... if it wasnt for that "codpiece"-like thingy on the black bit..... but yeah, seriously.... UGH!!!!!!!!!!