Thursday, November 20, 2008

Holly explains her haggard appearance

Holly Maddison is looking like luke warm dog poo lately, but, she has an excuse..she sucks face with Criss Angel all the time. She told Life & Style: "The truth is, I barely wear lip gloss anymore because I’m always making out with my boyfriend, so it comes off in 2½ seconds.” she says, adding with a laugh, “Apparently, I wasn’t making out with Hef as much."
You know, she really should just shut up about Hef and move along. I'm sure he's covered in 19 year old poon and chicken noodle soup and doesn't give a crap. As for "2½ seconds," I really didn't think she could count that high. Maybe she can count all the way to 15..'cause hers are up. Say buh bye.


Anonymous said...

I am thinking she came to the Playboy Mansion when she was 21 I think. She was so young and didn't get to date alot, she's enjoying it now. I don't blame her. Good for her! She probably has daily "eff me" hair too! Can you blame her for enjoying it?

Anonymous said...

I think she looks better without the layers of make-up. She's young enough to look great like this. And the thought of her making out with Hef turns my stomach...ain't money enough in the world for that in my book, seriously. Good luck to her.

Anonymous said...

Oh please talk about teenage mentality saying things like that.

Anonymous said...

I think Holly is really, very beautiful but are these two the new Pam & Tommy? get a room already!

btw. I think cris angel isso gross! Holly can do better.

Jerry Cass - Confirmed said...

She feels the need to comment on it all because it ain't happening!
If she wears the gloss off her lips, it's by tryin' to fluff up her gay boyfriend.

Jerry Cass - Confirmed said...

Whenever Hef reads about her, sees her photo, or sees her out and about somewhere, he probably thinks, "Hmmm. She ingested my sperm."

Anonymous said...

She walked away from a lifestyle where all she had to do was basically sit still while people did her hair and makeup. Now when she sits still, she just waits and waits but nobody comes to comb and blush her. I'm welling up just thinking about it.