Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is stupid terminal?

Can a person die of stupid? If so, please send some $ to your favorite lobotomy charity in Tara Reid's name. After unflattering bikini shots of her surfaced last week, Reid took on bloggers and called her deformities "battle scars." Tara: "I've been a media target for years now," the actress, 33, told People Magazine, "It does hurt my feelings, but what can I do? I have to move on."
Battle scars? What was she fighting for, her right to be an idiot? Yeah, there's nothing you can do, Tara. You must live in a bikini. A one piece would cause your heart to stop.


Anonymous said...

battle scars would be the STDs she picked up fucking for roles....

i have a huge honkin' scar from surgery on my stomach and i'll wear a bikini top when it's really hot...of course i'm in my yard but i personally don't care....

i've seen women that are so fat they look like they have 5 sets of boobies---each roll looks bigger than the next---wearing bikini hey, if they think they look good, who's to judge? and let's not forget the men who are 400+ pounds and shirtless and thinking they are hot stud of the month....

miss tia

Dirty Disher said...

If her clothes didn't drop off at the sight of a camera, no one would have ever known about it.

Anonymous said...

As time goes on and we all grow older, somtimes we forget that which is truly pathetic about this picture, which is: When Tara Reid first hit the scene (what now seems like hundreds of years ago), she was incredibly lovely. What you see in this picture is self-loathing at its finest.

Anonymous said...

A one-piece would mean {{horrors!!!}} that she's O-L-D!!

P!LL said...

Nice camel toe ;)