Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jessica plumpin' again

Nice, she swore she'd never do this again, but, she lied. Her sister Ashley is getting ready to give birth any minute and it's getting to her. Whenever Jessica Simpson feels insecure, she roids out her lips like a sumo wrestlers asshole. Then she calls her dad and begs to be called the pretty one.


Anonymous said...

She looks like Aniston now. Gross.

Anonymous said...

Man, this doesn't even look human.

Anonymous said...

thats just a stupid pic, she doesnt go around with that look on her face all the time! Does she??? LOL! She needs to stop making her lips fat & start working on getting the lard off her ass! Popstars/starlets ain't 'spose to be plump honey! Haters...c'mon!!!

Anonymous said...

Is this pig still on the radar? such a talentless whore!

Anonymous said...

her lips look like an exsanguiated vagina.
and anon 5:00 p.m..... agree with u 100%

Anonymous said...

I've seen way worse. She looks kinda good here.


Anonymous said...


yeah, she really does look good! Even great!

For a carp.

Anonymous said...

She looks like the idiot she is. I was thinking...all she talks about is Tony. Do you think that they are secretly engaged? it's all business with that family. First, you can't upstage Elmo baby's arrival. You know the rights to all that kid's "firsts" are sold. Second, they are letting Tony finish the season so she can't be blamed for distracting him. Why is he with her?

Anonymous said...

Tony is not good looking. He's just a big dumb footbal player that happens to be famous. You dont have to be good looking to get a famous chick if you are rich & famous. He's an idiot and fugly.