Monday, November 3, 2008

Ken Paves injured

I wasn't going to blog this, but, the more I hear about it, the more furious I become. Ken Paves was out with Jessica Simpson when paps swarmed them and Ken was hit in the face with a camera. Film of the incident shows a mob of photographers with their lenses right in the celebs faces. Who do these paps think they are? They should be fined, do jail time and be fired from the agency they work for. Some bloggers are pissing me off too, calling Paves a sissy for going to the hospital to get stitches for the small cut on his eye brow. He shouldn't have any cuts from just going out to dinner! Paps are out of control. Next time someone asks on here why Jolie (or whoever) won't let their kid walk and carries them like a baby..think about it. They should get in their cars and run over all the bastards.


Anonymous said...

I've always had similar thoughts as to why we see celebs carrying their kids so often. Think how frighting the mob of paps are to a child, someone screaming out their parents name, questions, rushing towards them, flashes going off, cursing & shoving, you know any of us reading here would smack someone square in the kisser if they did a fraction of what celebs deal with.

Sissy for getting stitches? Now thats truly stupid, who ever said that probably wouldn't have dealt with it with half the composure.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you DD. It is sad and pathetic. Why dont they pass a law?

Anonymous said...

Dish, you really surprise me. You've been reporting on the celebrity game long enough to know that a great many celebs court the paparazzi as if their lives depended on it.

I work in post-production for a major studio here in LA. I've dealt with various press and photo agencies for a number of years and through my associations have learned that many celebrities, even certain A-listers, regularly 'phone in' their whereabouts to their favorite agency (or have their assistant do it) simply to keep their names/faces in the press on a more or less daily basis.

I do not know for a fact that that's what happened in this case-- and certainly NO ONE deserves to be brutalized as Ken Paves clearly was-- but Jessica Simpson *was* with him and she's been known to "call it in". If she in fact DID, she can't expect to have the paps swarming around them, snapping shots, and not run the very real possibility of someone being injured.

They can't expect to ASK these guys to show up and then be able to call the shots on how they'll behave. They just can't have it both ways.

Should be interesting to see if Simpson or Paves discusses the matter or tries to "make a case" out of it.
I'm betting they won't.

Dirty Disher said...

Common sense tells us that a camera doesn't need to be half an inch from anyones face. I saw the vid. It was stupid and creepy the way the paps won't back off.

Anonymous said...

Jackie-O had an agreement with the paps, once she surrendered & knew they would never ever leave her alone. Wasn't it something like 60 feet away or something like that? They respected it & she was never pissy about anything. Always great shots to be had by all. Is the impossible in L.A.? I heard that in NYC a celeb feels like they can just blend in so they like it there. Jackie certainly never "blended in"! But NYC doesn't seem as notorious to me. I feel bad for Ken, he seems like a real nice guy.

Anonymous said...

must've been using the infamous black-eye lens.
Sinatra had a novel way of dealing with the paps.