She looks pretty old, maybe she grew up in the 50's. I wondered what the average black person really wants to be called..actually I see no need to point out anyone's color unless they're orange (Lohan) but, I called up my friend Leenie (the weenie) and said, hey Weenie, African American, black, colored, what do you want to be called? And she said "Hawaiian." And I said, yeah right, you've never been anywhere near Hawaii and neither has anyone you're related to. And she said shut the fuck up, white trash and get a life. Fine, but next time we meet up for breakfast she'd better have a grass skirt on or she's buying. As for Lohan....get to the back of the short bus.
NAACP has the word "colored" in their name. And thats a black organization. Why should anyone else feel bad for saying that word? I don't use it, it's such a hillbilly,uneducated, redneck word. But honestly, if they don't like it they need to stop using it in their own national organizations. Besides we don't have a national organization of white people. Don't get me started. I voted for Obama. So, it's not about color to me. But I think it's always about color to them. Sorry to disagree with you DD. But I am free to express my opinions on here, right? Thank you.
You betcha!
I'm sick to death of everything being made a racial issue. And i'm DD on this one, don't see the need or point of constantly having to reffer to someones ethnic lable. Isn't it time to put lables aside and just be human?
Well except for the asshole label, it should be smack in the middle of some peoples forehead.
The NAACP is not using the word colored, anymore, to mean black people. It's for all people of color...for all the shit that white people do to hold us down and have done to hold us down. The organization is much-needed for the people who don't get a fair chance in America. I wondered why it hadn't been changed...but it's probably b/c of the history of the name and not wanting to change something created by such prominent people in black history like W.E.B. Du Bois and Ida B. Wells. imo
And there is a national white association...it's called the ku klux klan. join it...racist.
But black people, Hispanics and others use the term "person of color", don't they?
we are all AMERICANS despite color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc...
on those annoying forms i've always checked 'other' and then wrote in AMERICAN...
let's get beyond color people!!!
miss tia
I am black. My Mother and Father were also black and uneducated. They worked three jobs and always said to me; "Study mathematics son, and learn to speak and write English well so you can get a good job". To them, my success meant more than their comfort. They also warned me about the easy life, drugs and entitlements. I earned a Masters in Mathematics and English Literature and now teach in public High Schools. It saddens me to see today's black youth and the eagerness to "get rich or die trying". I became a conservative after realizing that government programs do nothing to improve one's ability to struggle and find who you really are.
And there is a national white association...it's called the ku klux klan. join it...racist.
November 12, 2008 12:42:00 PM GST
No thanks. I don't associate with people like you!
PS: The Klan are not a recognized & respected organization that helps underprivileged people of any race. They are a community with a long histroy of hatred & violence. Regardless of what they are teaching you. Get out now!
MissTia, why are your comments looking so different now? Still having probs with your blogging thingy? I miss your old style girll!
one question - hispanics, white or 'coloured'? In europe they are considered 'white'.
But why is it wrong to call a negro a negro?
Selfishness and ignorance are every racists shadow.
No matter where you go people have prejudice based on color, class, nationality or religion just to name a few.
Read Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" or rent the movie with Al Pacino if you have no time to read.
who cares what La Lohan said. She's kind of stupid isn't she? Look who raised her... -G
Seems she's still rather in-directed.
Ronson may enable much of that.
Her statement is revealing.
openID is still fucked up!! i tried to post with it a bit ago and no no NO won't work! i CAN type in my website/name under that option, but i've been lazy and just hitting the anon button....
been fighting a bad cold and i just ain't a happy camper....
i shall try to post as usual....
I think Lindsey is comfortable using the word because her mother is colored.... orange.
Just wait for all the tweens to start using the term "colored" while slurping some Starbucks beverage and wearing leggings and hair extensions.
LOL! that's a good one! I got a grass skirt too!
obama says people 'of colour'. your blaak friend called you 'white' dd. but i was raised in johannesburg during apartheid days and i'm with 12.41. us white people did hold people of colour down really, really down. here in australia we are still doing it to our own Aboriginal people. don't get me started. racism is heartbreaking and us whites have done it to people of colour, over and over again. it really is worse than what the nazis did to the jews. we must never forget that. YES i do wish we had supported obama just for his brains and vision but i am so glad that he is 'of colour'. i really, really am because its a win not just for people of colour but for humanity. i'm with martin luther king and rosa parks (? did i get her name right). i read somewhere that rosa sat, martin stood and obama ran. so true! i still get choked up when i think about how far we have come in 40 years. its a real plus for us whites as much as for people of colour.
Hey Lia, think about the Sudan and how Africa is completely abandoned to the mercy of militias while the UN protects the corrupt Muslim governments there. You may start crying....now!.
yes well..... africa is another country that white imperialists fucked over.
Africa is a continent. Did you really live in Johannesburg and not know that Africa is a continent?. It throws an entirely new perpective when it comes to your knowledge of world affairs, and frankily. South Africa is a country. What about Liberian freed slaves that enslaved native Africans when they returned? or better yet, African genocide and inter-tribal warfare? they killed more of their own than Nazis killed the chosen ones, or whites vs blacks.
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