Wednesday, November 12, 2008

One really F'd up perspective

Hilary Clinton shows off her Ugly Betty hand puppet. Now, if only her lips would stop moving.


Anonymous said...

I would have voted for Hilary if she'd gotten the nomination!

Anonymous said...

Well, that makes 1 vote!

Anonymous said...

don't kid yourself anon 4:33. There are alot of people that wanted her there. Maybe next time. I think a powerful woman is still a ways off from being our president. If it's not her it will be another. What? You wanted Palin in there? Better get her back in school first!

Anonymous said...

Does this mean there's now 2 votes. Or is this the same misguided soul?

Anonymous said...

Hilary also hates Lindsay Lohan.

Anonymous said...

doesn't everyone hate lindsay lohan?

Anonymous said...

anon 6:12. To answer your question. YES!

Anonymous said...

I was for Hillary. She would've gotten at least 3 votes just in my family alone.

Anonymous said...

I love Hillary and voted for her in the primary. I would have campaigned for her, had she gotten the nomination.
It just proves what I've been saying for years. There still is a much larger prejudice out there than race--gender.
The nomination of Sarah Palin for VP proves it. Many people are still threatened by intelligent and capable women (like Hillary). It took vetting someone pretty, with huge personal issues and a definite lack of competence, to appear attractive to many. Who really wants Joe Sixpack or his bald cousin Joe the Plumber running things (or an intelligent woman, either?)

Anonymous said...

Hillary looks like the puppet...or at least like someone with a hand shoved up her ass.....that expression is priceless.

Anonymous said...

That odd perspective reminds me of those trick houses that make you look like a giant on one end and a shortie on the other. I love shit like that!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hillary - voted pro-war.
She never shed a tear about 19 year old soldiers getting maimed and killed. But when her little political career was threatened she cried like a little girl.

She is sickening me.

Dirty Disher said...

Jenny, Girls Talk has been added.