This could have been the vice president. Hmm. You have to admit she has great legs. I wonder what's on her laptop? Do you suppose she's on You Tube watching that video of her getting owned by those radio douches? I know she's not reading me, she said bloggers are all in their pajamas living in their moms basements. That's ridiculous, I'm not in the basement. My mom lets me come upstairs whenever I want. Actually..that statement lets me know a lot about her. It's something a moron said in a chat room 10 years ago and Palin still thinks it's a relevant insult. It kind of sounds like she thinks she's above everyone. Maybe that was her downfall. People in basement apartments can vote too. I wonder if she'll figure that out someday.
She sucks. Why isn't she back in the frozen tundra yet?
She's way more accomplished than most of us. Disagre with her on some issues?, yes. But I do admire her resiliency and strong belief system. No one can say she's had it easy, or that she is not intelligent.
I'll say it...the woman is a f'g idiot. There...I said it. And I'm glad. The chick doesn't even have the intelligence of a 6th grader! She was chosen, very hastily I might add, for her looks...period. End of story.
She looks like all of my friends -- and me -- when we don't care who is looking. Despite her terrible politics, I think she is okay. I hate that she hunts, but I love that she gives people a piece of mind without worrying too much about it. She's like most women. Very smart, very tough and loves a good glass of wine in the sun.
Not intelligent? Well maybe she's intelligent, but compared to who? George Bush?
Well, she's not at work.
She was away for a couple of months, and now she's on vacation getting her crotchal area photographed for the media.
Hmmmm....I hope somebody in Alaska is writing this stuff down.
She's just like us.
Just like you and me.
Jolene Six-Pack.
Complaining that the caviar tastes fishy.
she makes george bush look like a genius...
dumb cunt....
She is a complete idiot and anyone who thinks she isn't, hasn't listened to her.
So I'm guessing that the last few weeks of getting her ass handed to her took SUCH a toll that miss "family values" just HAD to book a little (cost-effective, too) jaunt for a bit of r-n-r. She was home for like what, two seconds? And whatever she's checking out online is a bunch of XXX-rated shit...just betcha (it's a JOKE, guys)! Gawd, she's despicable.
I do not agree with S.P on any issues but admire any woman in politics. You have to be a tough cookie to put up with the good ole boys and the fact that she is pretty while doing it,is admirable. It just proves to us women that you do not have to wear pant suits,have gray hair or dyke h/cs to be powerful.
While I would never vote for Sara, I wish her luck in her career & hope the Democrats get the picture of what a woman in power can look like. We really can have it all.
If this was BHO, you would have such wonderful things to say. Most of the posters here have no idea what they are talking about, and neither do you dirty disher. Seems to me you can't get enough of Sarah, secret crush perhaps, in denial perhaps??
Ah you all hate her because she will be the next president after Obama is done in four years. Funny thing is how you women turn her. Hateful for no reason.
i wonder when she is going to show us her bald cunt?
lia said...
"i wonder when she is going to show us her bald cunt?"
I thought he went home to Arizona.
I don't think a woman who gets on an airplane for a 12 hour flight after her water breaks is intelligent. An intelligent woman would go to the hospital. I don't hate her for no reason. I dislike her intensely because of her views She is pro-life when it comes to scraping cells out of someone's body but pro-death in her hobby of killing animals. She claims to be a feminist but believes rape and incest victims should go through with pregnancies that result. We've seen what eight years with a not-very-bright president can do to a country. I hope we've learned our lesson.
I'd like to see one of you ragin' brain trusts step up and take a swing at local or national politics. Good bad or indifferent, she did have the courage to stand up warts and all and at least try.
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