Those darn mean kids! Stupid bullies aren't sophisticated enough to know that everybodys mommy and daddy makes a sex tape and puts it on the Internet. It's the greatest thing a parent can do for their children. Showing them exactly how daddy's big tattooed peen invaded mommy's sloppy bald hole and went in and out until they were made. Awwwww, look, Brandon, there's you when you were just spooge. You were so cute. Look, honey, there's a close up..why are you covering your eyes? It's our family album.
Well, we already know she's a nitwit for making the tape.
Why are parents allowing their kids to watch this pornography? Why aren't parental controls in place? Or maybe several of the loser parents have copies of the tape at home? Yuck. That's one of the last things on earth I would want my 16 year-old to see, much less a little kid.
How old are these kids? I thought they were still very young?
parental control? kids are downloading such vids from the intertubes. Parents are lazy assholes. They don't sit and watch them surf, they don't control their tv and they don't teach them shit. It is not Pam's fault that other parents are lazy pieces of shit.
Wow! Pam looks so beat up. The boobs are caving in and her legs, wear some pants.
lol 8:44 your a dumbass. You do not remember being a kid at all do you. Kids will find a way when they really want to see something. Get over yourself.
I don't know what the big deal is here... All this kerfuffle over the years-old sex tape made with her then-husband.... when just *last month*, she was cavorting stark NAKED in front of Hugh Hefner, a room full of party guests and TV CAMERAS!
Besides, why are Brandon and Dylan so upset anyway? The only "mommy" they've ever known is Pamela's mother, Carol. Pammy just drops by now and again to go through her mail and have her suitcase full of dirty laundry done.
PS: Anon @ 2:15- You're forgetting, these are HOLLYWOOD parents. An entirely different species.
(Brandon and Dylan are ages 13 and 12, respectively)
Oh, and Bill? Just because you were raised by a lazy asshole who didn't give a shit what you did doesn't mean the rest of the world was. I totally agree with anon @ 8:44. You need to get over YOUR self.
bill, you are the idiot.
Yes, technical barriers can be broken - that is why parents should NEVER leave their kids alone while being online!
Read again my posting you assface.
But parents are lazy assholes - and so the kids are free to enjoy all the pron they want.
The internet is not, was never and wasn't even intended for kids. It has always been for adults, made by adults. So sit by your children while they are online - or don't let them go online at all.
As if they didn't know this was going to happen. They probably have a playbook for these situations with talking points and nice illustrations.
Hey! Wanna have kids? Don't pretend you never did anything bad because it will come back to haunt you. Don't be surprised when your kids sneak out and rabble-rouse - they're going to try, probably.
Is it something about a kid passing through the birth canal that makes parents forget what it was like to be a kid?
gee 9:40 you dont think they will find away? Your going to be with them 24/7? Not let them live their life? Thats not parenting sparky.
then accept that they might enjoy the porn out there. But hey, you won't let a 9 year old drink beer, would you? So why should the same 9 year old surf the internet alone?
I also can't believe that parents leave their kids alone to surf the web. "Here are some knives. Don't juggle them!" I think the "birth canal" theory mentioned above is accurate.
LOL!!! Pat, you are freakin' hilarious!!
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