Will Smith's son is going to do a remake of The Karate Kid. Seriously, something about this leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Look at that kid. He's 10 years old and the most affected child I've ever seen. Not that he's not gorgeous, he totally is, but, how long does it take to get his hair like that? He probably spends more time in the salon than he does in school. If he even goes to school. And the clothes..I'm so sure that's how 10 year olds dress. It's not his fault..it's his goofy parents. I'm sure their little girl will be pissed because Jaden got a movie and dad will have to buy her one too. Will has another son from a previous marriage, but, so far he's invisible. He must not fit into the perfect picture. Maybe he picks his nose or can't perfect the "admire me" gaze.
I'm glad someone said it out loud - the expression on his face isn't that of a happy 10 year old!
Zombies. I am scared now. Ooky.
that kid has been studying Brad & AJ's poses! He actually looks like his mom. They have beautiful children. His older son is good looking too. Which of his boys was in that movie about him being a salesman and he was lugging that "machine" all over San Fran? That movies wore me out! LOL! I was like "that heavy damn machine, gawd!"
While he hasn't been gifted any feature roles in his Dad's films, I'm not so sure that Trey (Will's son by his first wife, Sheree) has been "invisible".
The gorgeous, tall, football-playing-high-school-student (and future heartbreaker) is seen with Will, Jada and his half sibs regularly around town and at various events.
Not that it's indicative of their current relationship, but when Will did his remake of the Bill Withers tune "Just the Two of Us" back in '99, he claimed Trey was his inspiration for both his children's book, as well as his decision to record the award-winning song. An adorable 5 year-old Trey also appeared alongside his dad in the follow-up video.
I also recall seeing Trey as a special correspondant for various events repping Access Hollywood.
In any case, it's possible that even though Jayden's verrry young-- he may just have been bitten by the acting bug and Will and Jada are merely encouraging it. It may explain, afterall, why of the 3 Smith kids he's the one getting juicy roles.
didn't his daughter play marley in "i am legend" -G
The hair doesn't actually take long to do that. I do agree with the clothes though...not typical 10yr old garb. I don't think he looks unhappy, just looks like he is trying to be cool. they are gorgeous kids
that kid looks like he has major 'tude...
I remember seeing Will and his kid in a couple of interviews during the press junket for "In Pursuit Of Happyness" and the kid is a snot. Everything he said had attitude and he was quite rude to his father.
Yes his daughter was in I am Legend.
They are all wearing "costumes"
The daughter is fug! she's not as fug as zahara pitt.
The boy was really cute in " the pursuit of happyness" but I agree his hair is freaky looking.
I'm not a fan of cornrows or dreds, I think they look dirty & smelly.
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celebrity rumors
his face scream 'arrogance'
his daughters voice is in the new madagascar movie with Jada
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