Sam and The Blow were at a trendy Paris club when some PETA activist dumped a whole bag of flour on Blows head and screamed "Fur hag!" Lindsay probably dropped down on her knees looking for a straw. Seriously, is that what PETA does with donations? Anyway..why are these two checking their noses? Do they think they got some "flour" up there?
flour on a fire crotch = gingerbread cookies?
I bet all those poor mistreated animals feel better now, knowing PETA are sticking up for them.
No kidding. Instead of a bag of flour, they should have bought a bag of dog food and fed some strays. You know what? If every person just took care of their little tiny square of the world, we could make this place right in a day.
DD....Why didn't you run for president? You make more sense than anyone we had to vote for!!!
PETA uses donations for their kickass headquarters and to murder pets.
Oh, and some of the money ends in the pockets of terrorists.
I hope someone grabs one of these idiots and beats there ass!
uh I mean the ones that throw flour and blood on people. Not Lohan!
WTF do FLOUR assaults have to do with wearing fur? Why can't Peta just go back to spray painting big, red circle/slashes on the backs of fur-wearing hags?
'always made the most sense to me.
Dish said " If every person just took care of their little tiny square of the world, we could make this place right in a day."
Would never work. Too many lazy ass people who want everything done FOR them.
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You can sue that idiots for destroying your property - and with the money you can buy a new fur coat.
Flour is EXTREMELY hard to wash out - even with cold water. Fur is ruined and/or will never be the same fluffness.
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