Saturday, November 1, 2008

That gave me a heart attack, thanks MV

She was supposed to be a sweet little cartoon character, instead she bastardized it into some wood grained flash eater. If I saw this in the dark of the night, I think I'd seriously have to be institutionalized. Of course, Meredith Vieira without the costume is pretty scary. She always looks like flesh eating former model. I don't give a crap how "beautiful" senile Babwa Walters claims MV is...she gives me the creeps.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think she's attractive. And admirable. Sure, she has gobs of money and that helps, but her husband has had MS for decades and has had two bouts of colon cancer. Her personal life can't be a picnic.

Anonymous said...

What's so scary about a middle-aged, female Pinocchio? lol...

I adore MV. She's always struck me as a warm, generous and good-hearted gal. And as a middle-aged lady myself, I particularly appreciate the fact that even though she's on TV every morning at the crack of dawn-- she's clearly made the decision to
'buck the system', age gracefully and completely forego any cosmetic surgery/procedures.

I agree, anon 11:48... she's a brave lady. Sure, money helps and needless to say she's got staff up the wazoo-- but money doesn't cure incurable diseases.

Anonymous said...

I like the dolcett stroy where she is spitted, roasted and eaten.