Sharing twin pops of contentment..they prove their love is undying with hickeys. Never before have I witnessed such a display of commitment and loyalty and my heart fills with purity and I cry the tears of the emotionally privileged. True love, what naysayers aspire to and only the righteous achieve..Holly + Criss, it shall be written and the angels shall rejoice. No pun intended. It hardly matters that Criss doesn't have enough in his bank account to pay for Holly's last Mickey Mouse purse, what matters is that we are witnessing history. And we are inspired. Cue the heavenly choirs and suck it, Hef.
...like my love for Olivia Wilde.
...only up close.
Wow, she is lookin more white trash every day. Soon she'll be back in Alaska putting together a reality show with Sara Palin.
...and so is my revulsion.
I think his bank acct. is doing just fine!!! Seen his bling recently?? Besides, she wouldn't date a broke ass!
she's really cutting back on the make-up! She looks very plain like that. She's supposed to look like a ho. Did she forget?
Her dress is too short - I thinks I sees a li'l somethin'.
i like that she feels comfortable not wearing heaps of make-up!!
it shows that it wasn't her decision to be so ho-ey but something imposed by hugh hefner.
it definitely makes her more likeable in my book!
but really, what does that get her!? i still woudn't buy any merchandise or subscribe to pay tv to watch her shpws..!
I thought this performer was super rich, no?
I like her not so "heffed out" with tons of make-up on.
she does look a lot less fake, that for sure.
Playboy = fakeness. I never understood why people are looking at that pictures. Too fake and to much like advertisement.
If I want to see really great pictures: femjoy or met.
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