So you know that show How I Met Your Mother? Well, they're going to put Kim Kardashian and her big ass on an episode which also features Heidi and Spencer..yeah. I know! I was going wtf too, but, it turns out it's a storyline about how Marshall can't poop anywhere but on his own toilet. So, there's Marshall, pants around his ankles at work, trying desperately to chunk out a load and reading a magazine, when the magazine pictures come to life and talk to him about his problem. Me thinks the writers on HIMYM have a sense of humor that's been absent in the scripts so far. Where else do these three losers belong but in a reeking stall co-starring with a big pile of stinking shit? And, I'll bet the shit gets more fan mail.
thats gonna be priceless! Wow! She should know about what comes out of an ass too! She's got a huge one.
I think she looks beautiful in this picture.
Can't help but wonder if theres anything she could ever do that would win over the highly selective and informed insiders that loath someone they obviously personally know so well?
And inspite of it all, i dare say stood up next to the posters here, she's a heck of alot smaller then most.
Her ass aint' smaller than anybodys I have ever known! Not anyone with a normal size body that is. Obese women, of course she's probably somewhat smaller. But she looks like she has 2 basketballs in her pants. Thats small to you? How big are you? Dayum! Is this Coco??? It might be smaller than yours. I dunno tho. Better have Ice-T check that out.
she's purty
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