Holy crap! Gwen has a secret..you know what it is? A-Rod was flat out caught partying with another woman in Miami. The other woman wrapped her arms around him and they were laughing and cuddling all night long. Guess who she was..guess! It was Kate Hudson! OMG, Madonna is going to pop a vein the size of a garden hose. Sounds like Kate got the real garden hose.
Why not! He & Kate will "eff" anything and everything. I believe it too. Madonna is such a desperate hag. I hope this is true, the man is a serial cheater. Why should she expect him to be faithful to her? He will never be!!! I don't care who he's with, no way. He will cheat!
Agree with 1:42, once and cheater always a cheater, and even for madonna's deep pockets and bulging biceps under threat of a serious pounding, he's going to continue to cheat no matter who he's with.
how do we know Gwyneth didnt get the garden hose? Hmmm?
A-Rod: Bigger Longer and Uncut
anon 3:18. He doesn't need Madonna's money of course and he could beat her up, so I don't think he's too worried about her threats. LOL!!! Bitch is old! He doesn't REALLY want her. He just wanted out of his marriage, now he can sleep with everybody, he's not cheating on his wife anymore, so it's all good! I am on your team too tho. He's an ass and will always be a cheater. Hope Guy is somewhere laughing his ass off!!!
Totally agree, 1:42, 3:18, et al.
It was always ludicrous to imagine A-Rod & Gristle together for anything more than a "You'll never guess who I...." fuck. And all that tripe about them agreeing they were SOULMATES... ROFL! PUH-lease. She was simply beginning to have some success in brainwashing him with her "Krapballah" --- just as she did with Guy 7 years ago. And it might have worked... had he not been such a rabid horn dog.
Gristle honey, maybe you two would have been a smokin' hot pair 20 years ago... er, if he were 20 years older, of course. Now, you just look ridiculous and desperate. And while I'm at it.. same goes for your stage performances of late. I can't say "Quit while you're ahead", because that would have had to have been after your 'Drowned World' tour waaay back in '01.
Ever since you insisted upon touring well past your prime, working out 'till you're little more than a stringy mass of venosus sinew, and made the ill-advised decision to have those horrendous chunks of plastic inserted in your cheeks-- people are laughing at you.
You're not hip. You're not cool. Trying to act 25 when you're 50 is not admirable. It's just.... sad. (and kinda creepy)
Why not try an age-appropriate hobby like gardening or Suduko? We get it. You used to BE somebody, and everything you did was shocking and avant-garde. But unfortunately this is the generation of Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers and 2 Girls 1 Cup. So unless you start dropping trou at your concerts, pooing into a cup, eating it, vomiting, and smearing the poo and vomit all over yourself -- nobody is going to give a fart.
yeah..... she will never do what tina turner did at her age. i guess thats what madge is aiming for. a comback of the same magnitude that tina turner achieved. but tina has IT and madge only has sex and krapballah, it just won't wash.
Could not possibly care less. Is it just me?
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