Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Travolta's in France

The Travolta's say they're in Paris, but, it might actually be a state of denial. There's their son Jett..he has "carpet cleaning allergies." Scientology does not recognize autism. At least they let him out of the attic for a night.


Anonymous said...

Are they staying there? He just looks like a fat old fart tourist to me. His kids look average and his wife is just hanging on! I don't care about him. He's barely recognizable anymore. How'd his head get so HUGE!!! It's enormous. How can ur head grow like that after you get old????

Anonymous said...

When did John get to be so fat and old looking? His son, and I'm sorry to say this, looks mentally retarded -- autism aside. I can't believe they don't get him treatment because of what the sinos say. Travolta, get a clue!! The little girl unfortunately does not look like her pretty mother -- the only normal looking one in this group.

I read that some think he is also a closeted gay and always has been known to be in Hollywood. Any thoughts on that?

Anonymous said...

They are both old enough to be looking different for petes sake, she's 46 or 7 and hes 55 or 6, whats the big deal? At least they are out as a family.

The level of hate from some of you i just don't understand, and it's probably reactions like these comments that have made them keep their son & his challenges out of the lime light as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

Has John gone bald, too? I never knew that.

Not to be hateful, I just wish the T's would get their son the help he obviously needs. Autism is simply a medical problem and he needs medical help. Nothing hateful in that.

Kelly looks very good, no matter her age. She has classic beauty.

Anonymous said...

Mel Tillis:
"T-T-T-T-Tony R-R-R-R-Revolta."

JT had a good time, I'm sure.
Age is really amongst us.
Look at Jeanne Cooper, The Young And The Restless, and Madonna.
You can fight it, even stave it off...for awhile...but, you can't beat it.
Might as well have a good time while you can.
Go to Paris.
Bucket list.
We're all in that boat.
What else ya gonna do?
Jump ship?
Not I.

Anonymous said...

Is the whole family putting on weight?

Anonymous said...

Jett Travolta has been overweight for several years... and he's 16 now. John's been fighting weight all his life. He's discussed it several times in interviews. As for Kelly and daughter Ella, they appear to be average in weight.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon 3:19..there's always so much hate. I mean I know there are times when we won't agree with how a star acts but we're no saints.

I don't agree with what the Travolta's have done to their son but I just can't hate people like that.

There's too much anger and hate in the world. Try being positive and it can make a big difference in your own lives.


Anonymous said...

Travolta's shows possesion. Is there a noun after the word? Why are you using "apostrophe s?" Shouldn't it just be Travoltas?

Anonymous said...

John has worn a toupe' for many years. John also has a male lover (or did have) up in San Jose' that he'd fly up to see & hook up. That was back in the late 80's maybe 90's too. It was well known to the ppl in the area. I had a friend that lived there back then & everybody knew about it & even who the other guy was. Don't know if thats still going on. Maybe with somebody new?

Anonymous said...

Money CANNOT buy good looks. Some celebs, just like other ppl, have busted kids, thats all!!!

Unknown said...

I have a friend that worked for the Four Seasons here in Austin TX. She told me that the day before Travolta was due to check in, the hotel received a memo from the hotel he had just left (another Four Seasons in another city). The memo told them to be sure that any staff sent up to the room were female, because he had been hitting on the young male employees. I am totally serious.

Anonymous said...

How does his wife deal with this, do you think? Same goes with Jada Smith or Katie Holmes. Is money enough to make this okay with them? Obviously it is with Kelly because they've been together for donkeys years.

Anonymous said...

im pretty sure they don't care what any one here thinks. they love each other and seem like a happy family. john is a great actor...his son sure does look like him! nice looking family.